In its April 2018 decision, the BGH ruled on the question whether the directors of a company that has been granted debtor in possession status by the respective insolvency court can become personally liable for a breach of a duty of care vis-à-vis the creditors like an insolvency administrator. The underlying legal question was the subject of a controversial academic discussion in the past.


The German parliament has adopted new legislation yesterday which is expected to become law soon. This briefing summarises the changes made, as well as a number of other legal aspects we find noteworthy in current times with regard to the real estate sector.

On 25 March 2020, the German Parliament (Bundestag) passed, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, significant changes in law (the “New Law”). These changes are subject to approval by the Federal Council (Bundesrat), which, however, is expected to be granted soon.


The German Federal Government is currently working on a Law for the Mitigation of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the areas of Insolvency, Corporate, Civil and Criminal Procedure Law. Ministry officials are working through the weekend with the goal to get the legislation finalized by both chambers of parliament as early as possible next week.

Introduction The number of financial institutions that have announced the relocation of their EU headquarters from the UK to Germany has increased during the last weeks. In the meantime, some of the largest US and Asian institutions have confirmed their plans to expand their operations in Germany, and we expect others to follow soon. How can we assist? This briefing shall provide you with an overview of a number of issues that may be of interest for your decision to expand your operations in Germany.

Welche Folgen hat die Entscheidung für abgeschlossene Verfahren? Was bedeutet sie für die Zukunft?



In November 2015, the German legislator passed the Resolution Mechanism Act (Abwicklungsmechanismusgesetz, AbwMechG). The law introduces, among other things, Section 46f (5) et seqq. of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz, KWG), which requires that claims under certain unsecured debt instruments be subordinated to general senior unsecured obligations in an insolvency proceeding involving a German bank.


The German parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) has recently passed a law on the restructuring and dissolution of distressed financial institutions, establishing a sector-wide restructuring fund and extending the statute of limitations for the liability board members (Restructuring Act).


the recent equitable life case, decided by the higher regional court of celle (the olg celle), is the first example of a german court considering the recognition of a uk creditors' scheme of arrangement.

The COVID-19 pandemic in Germany is significantly affecting commercial landlords and tenants. The German legislator has taken various measures to mitigate the consequences of officially ordered business closures during lockdown and other pandemic-related adverse effects. 
