The German Federal Government is currently working on a Law for the Mitigation of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the areas of Insolvency, Corporate, Civil and Criminal Procedure Law. Ministry officials are working through the weekend with the goal to get the legislation finalized by both chambers of parliament as early as possible next week.

Introduction The number of financial institutions that have announced the relocation of their EU headquarters from the UK to Germany has increased during the last weeks. In the meantime, some of the largest US and Asian institutions have confirmed their plans to expand their operations in Germany, and we expect others to follow soon. How can we assist? This briefing shall provide you with an overview of a number of issues that may be of interest for your decision to expand your operations in Germany.

Welche Folgen hat die Entscheidung für abgeschlossene Verfahren? Was bedeutet sie für die Zukunft?



In November 2015, the German legislator passed the Resolution Mechanism Act (Abwicklungsmechanismusgesetz, AbwMechG). The law introduces, among other things, Section 46f (5) et seqq. of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz, KWG), which requires that claims under certain unsecured debt instruments be subordinated to general senior unsecured obligations in an insolvency proceeding involving a German bank.


The German parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) has recently passed a law on the restructuring and dissolution of distressed financial institutions, establishing a sector-wide restructuring fund and extending the statute of limitations for the liability board members (Restructuring Act).


the recent equitable life case, decided by the higher regional court of celle (the olg celle), is the first example of a german court considering the recognition of a uk creditors' scheme of arrangement.

COVID-19 and real estate: Germany’s economic situation and the legal framework from a real estate and restructuring perspective.


Die Frage der Kompetenzverteilung zwischen dem Vorstand und der Hauptversammlung der AG ist ein Dauerthema des Aktienrechts. Der Autor entwickelt ein eigenes Konzept zur dogmatischen Begründung ungeschriebener Hauptversammlungskompetenzen und untersucht, ob für den Börsenrückzug und die fakultative Insolvenzantragstellung eine Zustimmung der Hauptversammlung erforderlich ist. Der Autor lehnt die Frosta-Entscheidung des BGH ab und vertritt die Ansicht, dass der Börsenrückzug (reguläres Delisting wie auch das Downlisting) wertungsmäßig mit den in § 119 Abs. 1 Nr.


Germany’s planned Stabilization and Restructuring Framework (Stabilisierungs- und Restrukturierungsrahmen) is essentially an independent, out-of-court tool to implement a restructuring process by means of a restructuring plan in order to avert insolvency proceedings. The debtor and supporting creditors can rely on certain procedural assistance in order to implement and enforce a restructuring plan with their majority despite resistance on the part of individual stakeholders.


In the following, we provide an overview of government assistance that has already been implemented or is planned to mitigate the effects of COVID-19. The KfW Special Program is available as of March 23, 2020 and applications can be submitted. Please be advised that changes may occur at any time.

We are happy to assist you as you move forward and design a targeted and tailor-made reaction to the current challenges.
