Bygge- og anlægsbranchen har i de seneste år oplevet en kraftig stigning i antallet af konkurser og toppede foreløbigt i 2023 med hele 1.282 erklærede konkurser. Da konkurserne ofte er forbundet med store tab, hvis de indtræder under et igangværende byggeri, har tendensen i stigende grad aktualiseret en belysning af de muligheder, der er for at sikre sig imod sådanne tab.


Bygge- og anlægsbranchen har i de seneste år oplevet en kraftig stigning i antallet af konkurser og toppede foreløbigt i 2023 med hele 1.282 erklærede konkurser. Da konkurserne ofte er forbundet med store tab, hvis de indtræder under et igangværende byggeri, har tendensen i stigende grad aktualiseret en belysning af de muligheder, der er for at sikre sig imod sådanne tab.


Bygge- og anlægsbranchen har i de seneste år oplevet en kraftig stigning i antallet af konkurser og toppede foreløbigt i 2023 med hele 1.282 erklærede konkurser. Da konkurserne ofte er forbundet med store tab, hvis de indtræder under et igangværende byggeri, har tendensen i stigende grad aktualiseret en belysning af de muligheder, der er for at sikre sig imod sådanne tab.


Kunderne efterspørger længere kredittider. Virksomhederne har fokus på at nedbringe varelagre og styrke deres likviditet. Og stort set alle brancher er påvirket af den usikkerhed, der er opstået i et marked med øgede energipriser, mangel på materialer, stigende råvarepriser og lange transporttider. En analyse fra SMV Danmark viser, at antallet af konkurser var rekordstort i oktober – og højere end på noget tidspunkt under finanskrisen i 2008.


As the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to spread across the globe, people and businesses are facing unprecedented challenges, both immediate and strategic. Governments in various jurisdictions have announced various measures to try to alleviate the distress caused by the numerous issues that have arisen and continue to arise, particularly around cashflow and employees.

In the wake of the global financial crisis in 2007-08, distressed real estate yielded generous returns to investors that managed to pick the right cherries at the right times.


Following huge trading losses and the discovery of alleged fraud in a Singaporean subsidiary, O.W. Bunker & Trading A.S. filed for bankruptcy on 7 November 2014in the Danish court, just seven months after the company floated on the stock market.  Since then, a number of other O.W. Bunker Danish and overseas entities have also filed for bankruptcy.


In SwissMarineCorporation Ltd v OW Supply & Trading[1], the High Court refused to grant an anti-suit injunction restraining Danish insolvency proceedings. This case provides a useful discussion of the circumstances in which the court are likely to grant an anti-suit injunction, and in particular where there are jurisdiction issues involving elements of both civil and insolvency proceedings.


Going forward, companies brokering the products of others should have particular focus as to whether they have made it sufficiently clear that they act only as an intermediary, and according are not liable for the performance of contracts brokered. This is the consequence of a leading case delivered by the High Court of Eastern Denmark concerning the travel portal Goleif's duty to pay for a consumer's replacement flight following the bankruptcy of airline Cimber Sterling in May 2012.

