At first blush, it may seem counterintuitive for financiers to compete to provide loans to debtor companies that have just filed for protection under an insolvency or restructuring procedure, but they have been proven to do so on a large scale in US Chapter 11 cases and for a variety of reasons, whether to protect an existing loan position or taking an opportunity to garner significant, safe returns as a new lender.
Since China opened its doors to foreign investors around forty years ago, it has been a top recipient for international direct investments. Despite the gradual slowdown of the country’s overall economic growth, foreign interest in China continues to be strong. After a slight decline in 2016, foreign direct investment increased again by 3% to US$134.97 billion in 2018.
A mandatory bid (or a mandatory general offer obligation) ("GO Obligation") will be triggered if a controlling block in a listed company ("Controlling Block") changes hands.
The chain principle summarised
On 23 February, the European Commission (“Commission”) opened an in-depth investigation, to verify whether the measures notified in the context of the restructuring of the Czech national flag carrier Czech Airlines are in line with the EU rescue and restructuring aid guidelines. The measures comprise a loan of CZK 2.5 billion (around €94 million) granted by the State-owned undertaking Osinek under allegedly preferential conditions, its later de-collateralisation and transformation into equity capital and a potential guarantee for the purchase of an airplane.
Nachdem das Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz bereits im März 2015 einen Referentenentwurf hinsichtlich eines Gesetzes zur Verbesserung der Rechtssicherheit bei Anfechtungen nach der Insolvenzordnung und nach dem Anfechtungsgesetz vorgelegt hatte, hat der Bundestag mehr als ein Jahr nach der ersten Lesung den Gesetzesentwurf am 16. Februar 2017 doch noch verabschiedet. Nachdem nun auch der Bundesrat am 10.
Mit seinem Beschluss vom 28. November 2016 (veröffentlicht am 8. Februar 2017) hat der Große Senat des Bundesfinanzhofs („BFH“) den sogenannten „Sanierungserlass“ (BStBl. I 2003, 240; ergänzt durch BStBl. I 2010, 18) des Bundesfinanzministeriums („BMF“) verworfen. Dieser hatte bislang eine Steuerbefreiung von Sanierungsgewinnen über den Weg eines Billigkeitserlasses der Steuerzahlung nach §§ 163, 227 Abgabenordnung („AO“) ermöglicht.
German Insolvency Law
an overview.
The insolvency challenge rights give the insolvency administrator, under certain prerequisites, access to assets which the debtor disposed of to the detriment of the creditors prior to the filing for insolvency, thus increasing the insolvency estate.