The recent Federal Court of Australia (Court) decision in CBA Corporate Services (NSW) Pty Ltd, in the matter of ZYX Learning Centres Ltd (receivers and managers appointed) (in liq) v Walker [2013] FCA 243 confirms that liquidators owe a heavy duty of disclosure to the court and that the materiality of facts to be disclosed is to be assessed on a case by case basis.
On Monday 13 July 2015 the Eurozone Finance Ministers stated that they have entered into an understanding for further funds to be made available to Greece under the rules of ESM (combined with a more or less state controlled Greek trust fund for assets to be privatized) to avoid structuring a temporary Grexit. Such understanding is conditional upon the Greek parliament passing certain legislation on 15 July 2015.
In September 2014, in response to the Argentinian and Greek debt crises, both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations General Assembly (UN) published their proposals for making the restructuring of sovereign debt a more orderly process. The IMF’s focus is on firming up the contractual framework of sovereign bond documentation, while the UN’s focus is on establishing a legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring.
Citing public opposition to the bill, on Tuesday the president of Iceland vetoed legislation that would provide a state guarantee for repayment of approximately $5 billion of loans provided by the U.K.
TheCentral Bank and Credit Institutions (Resolution) Bill 2011 seeks to establish a more permanent and a wider framework for dealing with insolvent banks and banks in financial difficulty. It is intended that the legislation would replace and extend the provisions contained in the Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010.
The new Bill was published to meet the end of February deadline set under the terms of the EU-IMF Financial Support Agreement.
The new bankruptcy provisions contained in the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011 were commenced yesterday. The Act has been in force since 2 August.
The new provisions allow for automatic discharge on the 12th anniversary of a bankruptcy adjudication order and a reduction in the period for application for discharge from bankruptcy to five years from 12 years.
As part of the IMF/EU bailout, Ireland will need to put draft legislation before the Dail to facilitate the creation of a legal framework for dealing with financial institutions on the verge of collapse. This legal framework is known as a Special Resolution Regime (SRR).
The Irish President has signed the Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010 (the Act) into lrish law. The Act grants far reaching and unprecedented powers to the Irish Minister for Finance to facilitate the restructuring and stabilisation of the troubled Irish banking sector.
The Law Reform Commission (LRC) launched its Report on Personal Debt Management and Debt Enforcement, on 16 December 2010, at its Annual Conference. The Report makes 200 recommendations for reform, and also contains a draft Personal Insolvency Bill. Reform of personal debt law must be introduced next year to comply with the Government's agreement with the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank.
Recent developments