On 28 October 2022, the European Commission (the “Commission”) adopted the second amendment to its Temporary Crisis Framework for State Aid measures to support the economy following the aggression against Ukraine by Russia (the “Framework”). The second amendment to the Framework extends its duration by one year until 31 December 2023.
The four most important things you need to know about this amendment are:
Welcome to the eighth edition of our quarterly disputes newsletter, which covers key developments in the dispute resolution world over the last three months or so.
Welcome to the October 2022 edition of the HFW Commodities bulletin.
In this extended edition, a number of our partners from across the globe have taken time to reflect on the profound impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the commodities sector. It includes contributions from our offices in Australia, Geneva, London and Singapore, with articles on energy and food security, sanctions, insolvency, regulation, the energy transition and force majeure.
On the back page, you will find details of the latest news and where you can meet the team next.
In a William Fry article published earlier this year, we discussed the Irish government's approval to opt-in to a regulation amending Annexes A and B to the European Insolvency Regulation 2015/848 (EIR Recast) regarding the recognition of insolvency processes recently introduced in other EU Member States.
Canada’s insolvency regime provides a “fresh start” policy for honest but unfortunate debtors. The policy relieves Canadians from excessive debts through bankruptcy, except in certain instances such as where a debt arises from the bankrupt’s deceitful or dishonest conduct.
On July 4-5, GOLAW Senior Partner Sergiy Oberkovych participated in an international conference in Lugano, Switzerland dedicated to the reconstruction of Ukraine, which is suffering from Russian military aggression.
Insolvency Law Reform Bill published
On December 21, 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the Insolvency Law Reform Bill, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Parliament on January 14, 2022 (available here), and then initiated its passage through parliament as fast-tracked legislation.
Se publica el Proyecto de Ley de Reforma del Texto Refundido de la Ley Concursal
El 21 de diciembre de 2021, el Consejo de Ministros aprobó el Proyecto de Ley de Reforma de la Ley Concursal, que fue publicado en el Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Generales el 14 de enero de 2022 (disponible aquí). Se inició así su tramitación parlamentaria por el procedimiento de urgencia.
On 19 March 2020, the European Commission adopted the Temporary Framework on State aid measures to support the economy in the current context of the COVID-19 outbreak ("Temporary Framework"). The Temporary Framework is based on Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and aims to remedy a serious disturbance in the European economy.
The proposal for a directive on the recovery and resolution of insurance and reinsurance companies enshrines the no creditor worse off principle as provided for in the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (“BRRD”). This opens the door for the Portuguese legislature to repeat the mistakes it made when incorporating the BRRD into Portuguese law
No creditor should incur greater losses in the resolution than if the firm undergoing resolution had been wound up in normal insolvency proceedings