CAPITAL MARKETS BULLETINは、キャピタルマーケッツ関連の最新法務・新規案件についてご紹介するニュースレターです。
With the continuing development of sophisticated cross-border financial transactions, certain contractual practices have evolved and, with the passage of time, become recognised as standard in the relevant marketplace. Financial centres such as Jersey monitor such developments with a view to implementing policy and/or legislation as may be required or desirable to maintain and enhance the reputation of Jersey as a jurisdiction of choice for such cross-border transactions.
In zijn conclusie van 7 november 2018 formuleert raadsheer advocaat-generaal Widdershoven vijf vuistregels die richtinggevend zouden moeten zijn bij het leerstuk van ‘afgeleid belang’ in het kader van het belanghebbendebegrip in de Algemene wet bestuursrecht (art. 1:2 lid 1 Awb).
Belanghebbendebegrip en afgeleid belang
The SC adopts a decision on the inclusion of contractual set-off agreements that document a single financial transaction within the scope of application of Royal Decree-Act 5/2005 and on the insolvency classification of the credits resulting from financial swap, thus settling the disparity of criteria that existed in our lower case law with respect to such matters.
The insolvency system established under Royal Decree-Law 5/2005 applies to interest rate swap agreements if they are subject to a contractual compensation agreement, even when there is only a financial transaction under that agreement. Any claims arising from these agreements that might have accrued after the declaration of insolvency will be charged against the insolvency estate.
Any restitution and compensation agreed by the judge when the swap agreement is terminate
- Debt capitalisation in court-approved refinancing agreements
The 4th additional provision (4th a.p.) of the Spanish Insolvency Act (IA) provides that certain effects under a court-sanctioned refinancing agreement may extend to financial creditors that either have not signed the agreement or have expressed disagreement with it (dissenting creditors).
On March 7, 2014 the Spanish Government approved the Royal Decree Law 4/2014 adopting urgent measures on debt refinancing and restructuring ("Real Decreto-ley 4/2014, de 7 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes en material de refinanciación y reestructuración de deuda empresarial" or "RDL 4/2014").
Swiss Civil Procedure Law in a Nutshell (Volume 9 of 12)
This blog series provides litigators and corporate counsel from other jurisdictions with a practical understanding of the mechanics, advantages, and limits of litigation before State Courts in Switzerland.
No Class Actions
The UAE has issued by Decree Federal Law No. (10) of 2018 on Netting (theUAE Netting Law), with the aim of strengthening the regulatory framework for the settlement of obligations arising from qualified financial contracts. Parties to a contract previously relied on Article 183 of Federal Law No. (9) of 2016 on Bankruptcy (the Bankruptcy Law) to settle debts agreed to under a contract, provided that it is within the context of insolvency and that such contract does not fall within the claw-back provisions (Article 168 of the Bankruptcy Law).