Bankruptcy is a formal process geared toward preserving stakeholder value. Often, the proceedings include negotiations between stakeholders that are arduous, time-consuming and expensive. Positioning the company for healthy and sustainable growth is often viewed as a post- emergence priority, as companies naturally prioritize the near-term financial realities threatening their very survival.
The restructuring Q&A provides a comprehensive overview of some of the key points of law and practice of restructuring in Switzerland.
1.1 What formal insolvency proceedings are available in Switzerland?
1 東京地裁「倒産部」に(2022年4月
東京地裁では、2022年3月まで、長年にわたり、破産・民事 再生は民事20部(破産再生部)、会社2 ビジネス・コート(2022年10月)更生は民事8部(商事 部)によって事件処理がなされてきましたが、同年 4月より、会 社更生、特別清算及び外国倒産処理手続承認援助事件等 が民事8部から民事20部に移管され、民事20部の名称も「破 産再生部」から「倒産部」に変更1 されました2。
民事再生と会社更生はともに再建型の倒産手続であり、手 続が類似しているところもあることから、会社更生が民事20部 に移管されたことに伴い、従前の会社更生の実務運用が変わ ることも考えられるものの、民事20部としては、当面は民事8部 の運用を承継しつつ、破産・再生事件の運用状況も踏まえ て、利用者が利用しやすい、公正・適正性を担保した円滑な 手続運用を継続的に検討していく3 、とされていることから、当 面は運用が大きく変わることはないと思われます。
Early in October, three new Bills were tabled to Parliament: a Bill to amend the Commercial Code provisions on Bankruptcy, a Pre-Insolvency Bill, and a Bill to regulate Insolvency Practitioners. These Bills intend to partially transpose the EU Directive 2019/1023 on preventive restructuring frameworks. The aim of the Directive is to encourage Member States to implement measures that enable the early detection of financial difficulties to avoid insolvency altogether, failing which, there could be a smoother transition into insolvent liquidation.
Entre las sentencias hechas públicas este mes de octubre reseñamos las incluidas en este resumen siendo especialmente destacable entre ellas la de la Audiencia Provincial de Asturias de 20 julio de 2022. En ella se rechaza el pacto por el cual un inmueble hipotecado adquirido en el concurso con subrogación en la deuda se pretende transmitir a otra sociedad del grupo con carga pero sin deuda.
En raison de la hausse du commerce mondial, la question du recouvrement international des créances ne peut être évitée.
Settling any remaining uncertainty in how professionals’ hourly rates will be considered for approval in bankruptcy courts in the Eastern District of Virginia, on October 18, the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia approved the professional fee applications in the Nordic Aviation bankruptcy cases, including the rates of each of the professionals as appropriate market rates. In particular, the Bankruptcy Court noted that, “[m]uch ink has since been spilled differentiating so-called ‘local’ rates from ‘national’ rates. The distinction is much ado about nothing.
On October 14, 2022, the Fifth Circuit issued its decision in Ultra Petroleum, granting favorable outcomes to “unimpaired” creditors that challenged the company’s plan of reorganization and argued for payment (i) of a ~$200 million make-whole and (ii) post-petition interest at the contractual rate, not the Federal Judgment Rate. At issue on appeal was the Chapter 11 plan proposed by the “massively solvent” debtors—Ultra Petroleum Corp. (HoldCo) and its affiliates, including subsidiary Ultra Resources, Inc.
The Second Circuit released a new decision this week in Sears regarding bankruptcy valuation methodologies and the entitlement of second lien debt holders to adequate protection. Among other interesting aspects of the ruling, the Second Circuit affirmed the Bankruptcy Court’s adoption of a "net orderly liquidation value" for the debtors’ inventory as of the petition date (rather than looking to the actual values obtained by the debtors during the case).