Section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code offers powerful protection for good-faith purchasers in bankruptcy sales because it limits appellate review of an approved sale, irrespective of the legal merits of the appeal. Specifically, it provides that the reversal or modification of an order approving the sale of assets in bankruptcy does not affect the validity of the sale to a good-faith purchaser unless the party challenging the sale obtains a stay pending its appeal of the order. That is, section 363(m) renders an appeal "statutorily moot" absent a stay of the sale order.
The Bankruptcy Code bars certain individuals or entities from filing for bankruptcy protection, generally because they do not reside or have a place of business or property in the United States, fail to satisfy certain debt thresholds, or are business entities, such as banks and insurance companies, subject to non-bankruptcy rules or regulations governing their rehabilitation or liquidation.
Determining a foreign debtor's "center of main interests" ("COMI") for purposes of recognizing a foreign bankruptcy proceeding in the United States under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code can be problematic in cases involving multiple debtors that are members of an enterprise group doing business in several different countries. The U.S.
You don’t see this very often: a dispute over the confidentiality of mediation communications.
But such a dispute recently happened in In re Barretts Minerals, Inc., Case No. 23-90794, Southern Texas Bankruptcy Court. And the result is this: mediation confidentiality remains alive and well.
In re Barretts Minerals is a mass-tort asbestos case. And Debtor is pursuing confirmation of a bankruptcy plan under § 524(6). Mediation efforts are in progress.
Bygge- og anlægsbranchen har i de seneste år oplevet en kraftig stigning i antallet af konkurser og toppede foreløbigt i 2023 med hele 1.282 erklærede konkurser. Da konkurserne ofte er forbundet med store tab, hvis de indtræder under et igangværende byggeri, har tendensen i stigende grad aktualiseret en belysning af de muligheder, der er for at sikre sig imod sådanne tab.
Bygge- og anlægsbranchen har i de seneste år oplevet en kraftig stigning i antallet af konkurser og toppede foreløbigt i 2023 med hele 1.282 erklærede konkurser. Da konkurserne ofte er forbundet med store tab, hvis de indtræder under et igangværende byggeri, har tendensen i stigende grad aktualiseret en belysning af de muligheder, der er for at sikre sig imod sådanne tab.
Bankruptcies with large tort claims are common:
- some involve a limited number of claimants (e.g., a drunk driver hits a bus or a restaurant serves bad food one evening); and
- others have large numbers of claimants, some of whom won’t even be known for at least another decade (e.g., asbestos cases).
Often in tort bankruptcies, the total amount of claims overwhelms the debtor’s ability to pay: i.e., existing assets, insurance coverages and projected future income streams are, simply, insufficient.
Where a bankruptcy order has been made and the Official Receiver/trustee in bankruptcy has been appointed, how should their fees and expenses be dealt with if the bankruptcy order is later set aside following the debtor’s successful appeal? Further, if the bankruptcy proceedings were commenced in breach of an exclusive jurisdiction clause should costs be awarded on an indemnity basis?
These questions were recently considered by the Court of Appeal in Re Guy Kwok-Hung Lam [2023] HKCA 1099. Three key points can be gleaned from the judgment:-
Nuo Ji, Lingqi Wang, Jessica Li and Sylvia Zhang, Fangda Partners
This is an extract from the 2024 edition of GRR's The Asia-Pacific Restructuring Review. The whole publication is available here.
In summary
In practice, bankruptcy of a defendant employer during court proceedings related to employee receivables may be confusing for both the parties of a dispute and the courts handling the proceedings.