I cd. NPL (non performing loans, letteralmente mutui non performanti) sono, sostanzialmente, crediti per i quali la riscossione è incerta, sia dal punto di vista del rispetto della scadenza originaria che per quanto riguarda l’ammontare del possibile recupero; essi sono anche detti, nel linguaggio bancario, crediti deteriorati.
Il decreto legge n. 59 del 3 maggio 2016, pubblicato in pari data in Gazzetta Ufficiale Serie Generale n. 102, entra in vigore in data odierna, 4 maggio 2016, pur richiedendo formale conversione in legge entro 60 giorni, pena la perdita di efficacia.
With the decision of 16 September 2015, No. 18131, the Court of Cassation settled a long-standing debate, ruling that the receiver can not terminate an agreement to sell real estate property, entered into by the company which is later declared bankrupt, if the purchaser has registered with the Land Registry, before bankruptcy, its claim to the Court to be transferred title to the property.
According to recent Italian case law Real Estate Funds may now enter as debtors into the debt restructuring agreements (so called “accordi di ristrutturazione dei debiti”) provided for by the Italian bankruptcy law.1 Reference is made to Milan Court Decrees 6 November 2015 and 3 December 2015 (the “Case Law”).2
With the decision of 16 September 2015, No. 18131, the Court of Cassation settled a long-standing debate, ruling that the trustee can not terminate an agreement to sell real estate property, entered into by the company which is later declared bankrupt, if the purchaser has registered with the Land Registry, before bankruptcy, its claim to the Court to be transferred title to the property.
The case
With the March quarter day fast approaching it is likely that there will be more businesses becoming insolvent. Some of those businesses will have an interest in Jersey property. For example as owners of Jersey property or holders of a lease of retail premises situated in the Island.
On 1 July this year, amendments to the Civil Procedure Law came into force affecting the procedure for enforcing judgments by changing the procedure for real estate auctions from auctions with physical participation to auctions in an e-environment. In insolvency proceedings, sale of real estate by e-auction will be introduced on 1 January 2016.
Suite aux faillites d’une quinzaine de boutiques au mois de septembre dernier au centre-ville de Luxembourg et partant du constat de la disparition progressive des commerces en centre-ville ainsi que d’une baisse de la création d’entreprises dans le secteur du commerce de détail, l’ancien gouvernement a émis un avant-projet de loi sur le bail commercial le 4 octobre 2013 (ci-après « l’avant-projet » ou le « projet »).
This Update is produced on a monthly basis. It provides an update on new legislation in certain Middle East countries (Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the Sultanate of Oman and the United Arab Emirates) where SNR Denton has offices. We also include Turkey and Lebanon updates from our affiliate and associate firms in Istanbul and Beirut respectively.
A mortgage bank has the power to foreclose and sell the collateral if the debtor is in default. However, this power does not apply in full. There is a risk of abuse of power in this respect. The circumstances, motives and actions of the parties play a major role in this. In this situation, the interests of the mortgage bank and the debtor are diametrically opposed. The mortgage bank has an interest in claiming the outstanding claim and the debtor has an interest in maintaining his immovable property.