Funds' assets in the U.S. has been denied by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. See 2007 Bankr. LEXIS 2949, *26 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Aug. 30 , 2007). The Funds were being liquidated in the Cayman Islands, but the bankruptcy court held that they were not eligible for Chapter 15 relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (the "Code") because the liquidations were not pending in a country where the Funds had their "center of main interests" or an "establishment" for the conduct of business.
In Colombia, as in many other countries, closing down or dissolving a business is often more complicated than setting up a new one. Although there is a lot of information related to setting up a company in this country, there is not much guidance on the process of shutting one down. Because things do not always go as planned, it is important for investors to obtain information on corporate dissolution in Colombia.
Dissolution and Winding Up
The liquidation of companies in Egypt is governed by the Egyptian Companies Law. No. 159/1981[1], the law governs all the aspects of the companies’ liquidation including the reasons of liquidation, status of the company under liquidation, the appointment of the liquidator, responsibilities of the liquidator and revocation of the liquidator.
The company may be liquidated for the following reasons:
(BVerfG, Beschluss vom 12.01.2016, Az. 1 BvR 3102/13)
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat sich per Beschluss vom 12. Januar 2016 zu der Frage geäußert, ob der Ausschluss juristischer Personen von der Bestellung als Insolvenzverwalter verfassungsgemäß ist oder nicht. Anlass war die Verfassungsbeschwer- de einer auf Insolvenzverwaltung spezialisierten Gesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten, welche zuvor die Aufnahme auf die Vorauswahlliste für Insolvenzverwalter eines Amtsgerichts vergeblich vor den Zivilgerichten zu erstreiten versucht hatte.
Die Insolvenzanfechtung ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem großen Risiko für Gläubiger geworden. Das gilt in besonderer Weise, wenn man Kenntnis von wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten seines Geschäftspartners hat. In einer aktuellen Entscheidung hat der Bundesgerichtshof die Maßstäbe der Anfechtbarkeit bei außergerichtlichen Sanierungskonzepten umfassend beschrieben – und im Ergebnis die Anfechtungsgefahr verschärft. Da auch die für Herbst 2016 ins Auge gefasste Reform des Anfechtungsrechtes in diesem Bereich keine Änderung bringen wird, ist eine Befassung mit der Entscheidung notwendig.
Last year, the German government came forward with a ministerial bill for the reform of the German insolvency regulations with regard to licenses. The bill will most likely be enacted in the year 2009.
This case involved an application for security for costs against Mr Nogotkov who is, or claims to be, the Liquidator appointed by a Russian court of Dalnyaya Step LLC ("DSL").
Litigation funding can form a useful part of the arsenal of an insolvency practitioner when attempting to maximise the return to creditors. Yet funders can be met with suspicion by creditors and courts alike, depending on the country in which you pursue your litigation.
This break out session sought to highlight key issues for funders and borrowers, and regional differences in how litigation funding is perceived and applied.
First published in The Lawyer on July 18, 2011
Western economies, many With recoveries stalling in investors and creditors are considering carefully which jurisdictions will govern their interests in the event of insolvency and what, if anything, can be done to influence the process.
Many investment funds and other vehicles, attracted by tax-neutrality and stability, are incorporated in jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands, but with their managers, operations, assets and investors often dispersed globally.
Under the 2000 version of the Global Master Repurchase Agreement (the "GMRA"), a standard form agreement produced by The Bond Market Association and the International Securities Market Association, an Event of Default occurs, and all outstanding transactions under the GMRA are accelerated immediately, upon: