From modest beginnings, the concept of Cross-Border Insolvency Protocols as a means of enhancing cooperation between administrations in international cases has become an established practice in major cases. From their origins in the International Bar Association’s Cross-Border Insolvency Concordat through the early Protocols in Maxwell Communication and Everfresh Beverages, Protocols have become a mainstay in international reorganizations and restructurings.
The briefing provides an overview of the reorganisation plan introduced by the new Greek Bankruptcy Code. Its purpose is to set out the more important mechanics of the reorganisation plan and examine its more important ramifications within the bankruptcy process.
The new Greek Bankruptcy Code
Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Procedure and Officers’ Liability in Debt Restructuring June 21, 2017 The long anticipated extrajudicial debt settlement procedure (the “EDS Procedure” or “EDS”) was introduced by Law 4469/2017 to provide an additional option for the rescue of indebted businesses at an early insolvency stage. The current pre-insolvency regime includes the rehabilitation procedure of Law 3588/2007 (the “Greek Bankruptcy Code” or the “GBC”), most recently revised at the end of 2016, and the special administration procedure of Law 4307/2014.
This briefing note provides an outline of the different processes of voluntary and compulsory winding up under the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (as amended) (the “Law”). It does not cover striking off companies or the specific provisions on winding up of protected cell companies and incorporated cell companies. Further information on the effect of the Law on the winding up of these company structures can be found in our separate briefing notes on those subjects.
The mechanics of a voluntary winding up
The memorandum has been prepared on the basis of the law and practice in Guernsey as at 1 April 2010.
Under the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (the “Companies Law”) there are two procedures available for the voluntary dissolution of a Guernsey company. A Guernsey company may be dissolved either by way of a “voluntary striking off” or a “voluntary winding up”. We set out below the details of each procedure.
Our Restructuring and Insolvency team has had further significant success, recently securing the discharge of an administration order over a Guernsey Protected Cell Company to facilitate its voluntary winding up. The team, led by Guernsey based counsel David Jones and including associate Luke Sayer, acted for local insolvency practitioners Tim Le Cornu and Andrea Harris of KRyS Global.
To our knowledge this is the first time that the Royal Court of Guernsey has ordered that an administration order in Guernsey be discharged so as to facilitate a voluntary winding up.
The States of Guernsey has announced the recommendations from the consultation carried out on proposed changes to the Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008. This coincides with a judgment from the Royal Court highlighting the timely nature of proposed changes.
The 2008 Law was the result of a wholesale revision and consolidation of the corporate legal framework. Whilst its focus was on corporate law it also encompassed the insolvency regime in Guernsey. The consultation exercise was to determine what, if any, changes may be required now that the 2008 Law had been in place for some time.
If a company is insolvent, it is either not able to pay its debts as they fall due, or its assets are less than its liabilities. An investor/creditor will have the ability to put the company into a formal insolvency procedure and, in most cases, appoint an independent third party to take control of the assets and investigate the conduct of the company’s directors, managers and other controlling functionaries. Defined terms in this article are the same as the terms which were defined in the potential causes of action article.