The UK Government has finally set out details of the proposed measures to temporarily restrict the use of statutory demands and winding up petitions during the worst of the COIVD-19 pandemic
We know that landlords have been waiting to find out how they can legitimately pursue arrears from their tenants. It’s been a long wait for the publication of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill.
Insofar as commercial property rent claims are concerned, the crucial points are:
Commercial landlords will have fewer enforcement options for debt recovery if the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill (published 20 May) is enacted – which is expected by 3 June 2020. The bill introduces the anticipated prohibition on the use of statutory demands for rent recovery in most circumstances, as well as other provisions designed to protect tenants.
Key Notes:
When a business becomes insolvent, all of the creditors of the business are at risk, including its landlords. As COVID-19 continues to challenge businesses in Ireland and abroad, two recent decisions of Mr Justice McDonald in the High Court offer a timely reminder of the standards which tenants must meet when seeking to compromise their commercial lease obligations and the importance of procedural fairness for landlords affected by tenant insolvency.
The New Look case1
As England enters its second period of lockdown, commercial landlords are reminded that the temporary measures put in place by the UK Government earlier this year, protecting commercial tenants from eviction and the operation of CRAR and restrictions on the use of certain insolvency processes, are set to continue during the second lockdown and beyond.
The measures are intended to protect business tenants that are unable to pay their rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The key measures
Op 26 mei 2020 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord (WHOA) aangenomen. Als de Eerste Kamer dit voorstel eveneens goedkeurt, is de WHOA een feit en kunnen huurder-schuldenaars die in financiële nood verkeren onder voorwaarden wijzigingen laten aanbrengen in lopende huurovereenkomsten, of deze zelfs geheel doen eindigen. De verwachting is dat de WHOA op 1 januari 2021 in werking zal treden.
Nur bedingt geeignet für die Hotelbranche
A liquidator of a landlord company who disclaims a lease under section 568(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), a section largely similar to section 269 of the Companies Act 1993 (NZ), does so with full effect, leaving the land unencumbered by the interests of tenants.