This is the third in a series of four articles on why Fed.R.Bankr.P. 9031, titled “Masters Not Authorized,” needs to be amended to authorize the utilization of special masters in complex bankruptcy cases.
The focus of this third article is on how the evolution of the old bankruptcy referees into today’s bankruptcy courts shows why special masters are needed in complex bankruptcy cases—and should not have been prohibited.[Fn. 1]
The Evolution of Bankruptcy
Senior secured creditors, being the anchor creditor in the capital stack, will always be focused on ensuring their priority claim is as robust as possible, with clearly delineated capacity for 'super priority' debt. However, today's documentary flexibilities, coupled with local legal restrictions, can mean senior secured creditors are not as 'senior secured' as they think. Here are some points to think about.
Super Senior Debt
In the March 2024 edition of the Restructuring Department Bulletin, we highlight recent decisions and developments impacting the restructuring arena and share the latest news on the Paul, Weiss Restructuring Department.
The first quarter of the year can often be a pinch point for tenants as they assess Christmas trading and scrutinise financial results. Where profits have failed to meet expectations then a tenant may require to consider formal insolvency proceedings but how does this affect the landlord? Here we consider some of the key questions for a landlord in Scotland facing tenant insolvency.
What is the status of the tenant?
Dans le contexte en constante évolution des lois canadiennes en matière d’insolvabilité, le regroupement de patrimoines se révèle comme un recours puissant. Bien qu’il soit rarement utilisé, il est susceptible d’entraîner des répercussions importantes pour les entités débitrices visées et leurs créanciers. C’est d’ailleurs ce que souligne une décision récente de la Cour d’appel du Manitoba, laquelle met en avant cet élément complexe, mais crucial, du droit de l’insolvabilité.
It’s no secret that the Government is looking for the UK to become a leader in the crypto market while increasing its regulation. This balancing act will become even more prevalent in the English courts over the next couple of years when it comes to restructuring and insolvency.
In the course of bankruptcy proceedings, the disposition of property by the bankrupt is subject to a degree of control and restriction, requiring the consent or ratification of the Court. This protects the creditors from the unfair removal of property from the bankrupt's pool of assets.
Die Restrukturierung nach dem StaRUG kann unter den richtigen Voraussetzungen für Unternehmen eine sinnvolle Alternative zur außergerichtlichen Sanierung bzw. zum Insolvenzverfahren sein.
Con sentenza n. 4168 del 15 febbraio 2024, la Corte di Cassazione ha affermato che appare senz’altro idonea a giustificare l’eccezione di inadempimento e a paralizzare il diritto al compenso del professionista la condotta antigiuridica dell’organo sindacale che, in un’operazione di fusione societaria che ha prodotto un rilevante danno per la società incorporante, abbia omesso di verificare la situazione patrimoniale ed economica della società che si andava ad incorporare, anche mediante richiesta di documentazione.