En el escaso transcurso de este año 2024 ya hemos tenido el honor de recibir dos interesantes resoluciones dictadas por la Sala Primera del Tribunal Supremo en materia concursal.
Estas dos resoluciones ponen de relieve cuestiones en las que, habiendo la Sala apreciado y justificado el interés casacional para entrar en el fondo del asunto, precisamente, en uno de esos supuestos, por no haberse tratado con anterioridad, hacen que nos traigan consigo pronunciamientos que serán de plena aplicación en la práctica.
A special administration regime for Payment and Electronic Money Institutions (PIs and EMIs) was established in The Payment and Electronic Money Institution Insolvency Regulations 2021 (the Regulations).
On 4 March 2024, the High Court approved the amended restructuring plan (the Plan) of Project Lietzenburger Straße Holdco S.à.r.L (the Company) a Luxembourg incorporated company part of the German Aggregate Holdings Group, despite refusing to sanction its original plan.
As seen in the recent proliferation of bankruptcy cases seeking a structured dismissal or conversion after a successful sale, debtors constantly seek creative and efficient ways to wind up a case, including through a traditional plan of liquidation. Yet, as discussed below, debtors must ensure that any proposed voting procedures for a plan comply with section 1126 of the Bankruptcy Code, or are at least supported by, or supportable with, prior precedent.
Bankruptcy Code Section 502(b)(6) establishes a Statutory Cap on the damages a landlord can claim arising from the termination of a lease in bankruptcy case. Courts have split on how to calculate the Statutory Cap, whether and how to apply letters of credit to reduce the Statutory Cap, and whether the Statutory Cap applies to a landlord’s claims against a lessee’s debtor-guarantor.
On March 26, 2024, the US District Court for the Southern District of New York issued an opinion addressing the foregoing issues:
The existence of a bankruptcy option is a good thing for any debtor-creditor situation that is highly stressed—whether the bankruptcy option is used or not.
This is especially true in mass-tort cases where a potential exists for (i) hugely-disparate results for similarly situated plaintiffs, and (ii) debilitating delays in the progress of litigation.
In France, losses incurred by a company in a given fiscal year can be carried forward to offset profits in subsequent years, without time limit. The annual offset against future profits is limited to a maximum of €1 million, plus 50% of the portion of profit exceeding this threshold. Any unused balance is carried forward to the following year. It is also possible to opt to carry back losses against the previous year's profits, up to a maximum of €1 million.
The Porter Davis liquidation in early 2023 put into sharp focus the practice of some builders taking deposits from owners before obtaining domestic building insurance for their work, insurance that helps to protect owners in the event of a builder’s insolvency.
In the case of Porter Davis, this practice left thousands of owners without insurance to recover the loss of their deposits, leading the State Government to implement a relief scheme to compensate home owners over $28 million, later extended to 20 February 2024 and expanded to other builders in liquidation.