On Monday, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) announced that it will issue a CDS auction protocol regarding the settlement of credit derivatives that reference Smurfit-Stone Consolidated Enterprise Inc. The protocol is a response to Smurfit-Stone’s recent filing for reorganization under Chapter 11 in the US Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.
Yesterday, the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) announced that its Trade Information Warehouse (TIW) successfully completed on October 21st settlement of the over-the-counter credit default swaps (CDS) related to the credit event of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Recent regulatory developments of interest to all financial institutions. Includes key COVID-19 updates from the UK FCA, AML/CTF updates and more.
COVID-19: FCA statement on handling of post and paper documents
On 13 May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a statement on how firms should handle post and paper documents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Financial institutions continue to prepare for the anticipated cessation of the publication of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) benchmark after the end of 2021 and its replacement with “risk-free” overnight rates, including reformed SONIA (for sterling) and the new SOFR rate (for U.S. dollars). Transitioning affected financial products to the new rates and amending legacy books is a massive project for any sizable institution.
Receivables financiers, lenders taking security assignments over contractual rights, participants in the secondary loan market and others have an interest in:
BoE has published a paper on central counterparty (CCP) loss-allocation rules. To avoid a CCP’s insolvency, these rules allocate among the CCP’s participants any losses exceeding the CCP’s pre-funded default resources, such as the margin posted by clearing members (CMs), the mutualised default fund and the CCP’s own equity. The options the paper suggests include calling additional resources from CMs, applying haircuts to margin owed to any CM or terminating unmatched open contracts.
Several industry associations (ISDA, BBA and FOA – the futures and options association) have responded to a Treasury informal consultation on the need to carve out from English insolvency law the porting of clearing clients’ positions and margin. They agree on the need to ensure certainty around the porting option when a clearing member becomes insolvent. EMIR’s porting option should also apply where the clearing member is acting through back-to-back transactions and holds the client’s margin. The associations note that porting should be subject to agreement.
FSA has published a guidance consultation on the prudential treatment of liquidity swaps. According to the FSA, a liquidity swap involves a liquidity transformation. Typically they involve transactions between an insurer and a bank whereby high-credit quality, liquid assets (such as gilts) held by an insurer is exchanged with illiquid or less liquid assets (such as asset-backed securities (ABS)) held by a bank. The proposed guidance will apply to all regulated firms transacting liquidity swaps (not just banks and insurers) and the deadline for responses is 21 September 2011.
ISDA has written to Treasury on its plans to make insolvency regulations in relation to investment banks. It supports Treasury's plan to take legislative steps only if market practice and regulatory approaches do not work. It endorses the view that sophisticated counterparties should have as much flexibility as possible. It notes the interaction of any regime for investment banks with existing regimes must be clear but does not currently see a compelling case for changes to the current regime.
On Feb. 11, 2009, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued its opinion in Hutson v. E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co. (In re National Gas Distributors), attempting, in a matter of first impression, to define "commodity forward agreement" for purposes of eligibility for protection under the safe harbor provisions of the Bankruptcy Code. At first blush, this decision appears to provide the additional certainty that participants in the commodities markets require.