The Great Brexit Debate Introduction The UK is now counting down to the 23 June 2016 referendum on whether to stay in or leave the European Union. Dentons summarises the background to this momentous choice, and takes a deeper look at some of the legal issues involved in some key areas that would be impacted by a vote to leave the EU.
Ruling description
In the judgment of August 18, 2015 (case no. II FSK 2510/13) the Supreme Administrative Court confirmed that a registered partnership is excluded from the scope of application of the Capital Duties Directive (69/335/ EEC). Therefore, Restructuring activities in such a company are subject to civil law transactions tax (PCC).
This article first appeared in the December 2014 edition of Corporate Rescue & Insolvency journal. Written by Deepak Reddy in Dentons' New York office, Carlo Vairo in Dentons’ Toronto office and Alexander Hewitt in Dentons' London office.
Key Points
English schemes of arrangement (Schemes) have become a useful and established procedure for restructuring the debts of foreign companies incurred under English law finance documents. For an overview of why they are useful and how they work, see our July 2011 article "Financial restructurings of foreign companies through English schemes of arrangement".
Ministerial Decisions
Ministry of Manpower
Decision No. 611/2012
Dissolves the trade union of the employees of Sojex Oman due to its failure to appoint sufficient members for the General Assembly.
Promulgated on 10 November 2012 Effective on promulgation
Ministry of Manpower
Decision No. 612/2012
Dissolves the trade union of the employees of Gulf Air due to its liquidation.
BIS and Treasury have published their response to the consumer credit elements of the Government review of consumer credit and personal insolvency. The response explains the initiative that will ensure that over 85% of customers with personal current accounts will see clearer, fairer and more manageable charges for unarranged overdrafts. Customers will be able to get alerts when their balance is low and will not incur a fee if they exceed their limit by a small amount. Also, from late 2013 there will be guaranteed account switching within seven days.
Advising directors and officers of companies that are in the shadow of insolvency regarding the scope of their personal liability can be a daunting task as directors and officers can be exposed to significant personal liability in a variety of areas of the law. Directors are now accountable not only to the corporation and its shareholders but also under certain circumstances to employees, creditors, customers, suppliers, and governments.
Treasury has published the 12 responses it received to its consultation on a special administration regime for investment firms resolution and draft legislation that takes into account its views on the responses. One Order clarifies that the definition of “client assets” includes money, but not money held in respect of insurance mediation. The other sets out the new regime. Respondents broadly supported the proposals and favoured an approach that would require the return of all client money and assets, not just segregated ones.
The saying goes that when the United States sneezes, Canada gets a cold. Accordingly, when the most recent economic recession hit the United States, the financial health of many Canadian companies predictably suffered.