The restructuring proceedings of Canwest Publishing Inc and affiliated entities (“Canwest”) has recently provided secured lenders and particularly debtor-in-possession lenders with some food for thought.
In March of this year, four former non-unionized employees of Canwest brought a motion in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (the “Court”) for the appointment of representative counsel to protect the interests of themselves and similarly situated former employees in the Canwest Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”) restructuring proceedings.
On September 18, 2009, the Federal Government proclaimed into force the remaining amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and theCompanies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA). (A few provisions which are rendered moot, presumably deemed unnecessary or are amendments intended to coordinate the inter-governmental flow of information have not been proclaimed into force.) Some of the key changes to the BIA and the CCAA which we anticipate will considerably impact current Canadian insolvency practice are discussed below.
Resin Systems Inc. v. Global Composite Manufacturing Inc., [2008] O.J. No. 5427, (Ont. S.C.J., Commercial List)
Resin developed certain equipment used to manufacture transmission poles. Resin entered into a manufacturing and licence agreement with Global Composite, and leased the equipment to Global Composite to make and improve the product. The agreements provided Global Composite was to keep the equipment free of any lien or claim, unless there was the express written consent of Resin.
Typically, courts will only rarely and sparingly interfere with contractual rights that parties freely negotiate and agree upon.
However, in Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc. v. Inex Pharmaceuticals Corp., the British Columbia Court of Appeal recently determined that the courts can adjust contractual rights in order to achieve a workable plan of arrangement proposed by a company under the British Columbia Business Corporations Act (the "Act").
Courts will only rarely and sparingly interfere with contractual rights that parties freely negotiate and agree upon.
However, in Protiva Biotherapeutics Inc. v. Inex Pharmaceuticals Corp., the British Columbia Court of Appeal recently determined that it could adjust contractual rights in order to achieve a workable plan of arrangement proposed by a company under the British Columbia Business Corporations Act (“Act”).
Use the Lexology Navigator tool to compare the answers in this article with those from other jurisdictions.
Position of creditors
Forms of security
What are the main forms of security over moveable and immoveable property and how are they given legal effect?
The briefing provides an overview of the reorganisation plan introduced by the new Greek Bankruptcy Code. Its purpose is to set out the more important mechanics of the reorganisation plan and examine its more important ramifications within the bankruptcy process.
The new Greek Bankruptcy Code
In the matter of Centurion Management Services Limited and Article 155 of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 [2009]JRC227
This judgment of the Royal Court in Jersey illustrates circumstances in which the court has been prepared to exercise its jurisdiction to order that a company be wound up on the grounds that it is just and equitable so to do.
In last month's edition of Middle East Exchange,we looked at the risks for directors of UAE companies in financial difficulties. In this month's edition, we consider the position from the other side of the negotiating table, namely the risks for creditors when a UAE company faces financial difficulties.
If a tenant company fails to pay its rent when due (subject to any grace periods in the lease) the landlord ordinarily has the right to forfeit the lease either by peaceable re-entry of the property or by legal proceedings. However, if the tenant is insolvent (or soon to become insolvent) then this right may be stayed by the moratorium under the Insolvency Act 1986.