It is important for a receiver or voluntary administrator to ensure that a proper sales process is undertaken relevant to the circumstances as there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach.
This note provides an overview of the English restructuring plan, giving insight into when a foreign company might be able to restructure in England, an overview of the process and the advantages that a restructuring plan offers over other processes.
It should not be relied on as legal advice. Should you require legal advice in relation to your specific circumstances, please contact one of our team members whose contact details are at the end of this note.
What Is a Restructuring Plan ?
This briefing note explains the distinction between the concepts of dividends and distributions before setting out the main steps involved in paying out dividends and distributions under The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 as amended (the “Companies Law”).
Periodically courts remind corporate directors that their decisions to act or to refrain from acting during the course of managing the affairs of a corporation are not without limitations. It is well established that corporate directors owe fiduciary duties, and more specifically, a duty of care and a duty of loyalty to corporate shareholders. Those duties should always be at the front of mind of every director when any action or inaction is contemplated, but in particular, when addressing challenging issues facing the corporation.
Key Takeaways
Sellers and suppliers of movable assets can avoid problems caused by poorly-paying customers through a retention of title clause.
This clause makes it contractually possible to stipulate that ownership of a certain good does not transfer until the purchaser has paid the full price.
Fewer Insolvencies for More Opportunities
At the end of 2021, corporate bankruptcies (for most company sizes and in most sectors) were at their lowest level compared to the pre-COVID-19 figures from 2019, with a 50% drop in insolvency proceedings and a 10% decrease in pre-insolvency situations. This was largely due to the temporary impact of government emergency measures and support, including:
Les vendeurs et les fournisseurs de biens mobiliers peuvent faire face aux problèmes rencontrés avec des clients mauvais payeurs par l’insertion d’une clause de réserve de propriété.
Par cette clause, il peut notamment être prévu contractuellement que le droit de propriété d'un certain bien ne sera transféré qu'après paiement intégral du prix par l’acheteur.
With the tapering of pandemic restrictions, businesses around the world are looking to settle into the new normal. It is a time of optimism but also some lingering uncertainty. Some businesses have survived through cost-cutting and downsizing of employees and may need time to recover. In some cases, the pandemic has ignited the momentum for digital transformation and has been a catalyst for business innovation. “Work from home” became widespread during the pandemic and changed the way many businesses and employees view the workplace.
最近在Re Hsin Chong Construction Co., Ltd. [2021] HKCFA 14一案中,終審法院推翻了原訟法庭及上訴法庭(「上訴庭」)的裁決。與上訴庭及原訟法庭的裁決相反,終審法院裁定,於新昌開始清盤後出售其在合營協議項下剩餘權利及權益的交易是無效的。
新昌營造廠有限公司(「該公司」)及Build King Construction Limited(「Build King」)於2013年11月訂立一份合營協議(「合營協議」),以成立及經營一間合營公司(「合營公司」)。合營公司於2016年6月獲得一項大型政府項目合約,其中該公司佔65% 權益,Build King佔餘下35% 權益。