22 ноября 2016 года Пленум Верховного Суда Российской Федерации издал Постановление № 54 «О некоторых вопросах применения общих положений Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации об обязательствах и их исполнении».
Постановление содержит 59 пунктов, содержащих разъяснения различных положений Гражданского кодекса РФ.
Практический интерес для бизнеса, помимо прочего, представляют разъяснения по следующим вопросам:
In 2013 bankruptcy case law has been affected by significant changes in the legislation concerning subsidiary liability of controlling persons and on regulating the bankruptcy of certain categories of debtors including developers and financial organisations.
The legal regulation of bankruptcy procedures in Russia is actively improving. Evidence of this is the nine federal laws adopted in 2013 which substantially amend Federal Law No. 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" as well as other regulations that deal with bankruptcy regulation. Some of these will come into force during 2014.
Правовое регулирование процедур банкротства в России в настоящее время продолжает активно совершенствоваться. Об этом свидетельствует принятие в 2013 году девяти федеральных законов, которыми были внесены существенные изменения в ФЗ «О несостоятельности (банкротстве)» № 127-ФЗ, а также иные связанные с регламентацией банкротства нормативные акты, часть из которых вступит в силу в течение 2014 года.
Key point
The English Courts have refused to discharge a bankruptcy order made on the basis of the individual's presence in the jurisdiction for one day only, where Russian asset freezing orders had been broken, the Court misled and in the knowledge recognition of a UK bankruptcy order in Russia was unlikely.
The facts
In late December 2014, Russia adopted major changes to its insolvency (bankruptcy) law. Critically, the changes introduced the long-awaited regulation of individual insolvency (personal bankruptcy), with the aim of closing the regulatory gap and supporting individual debtors struggling during Russia's economic downturn.1 Some time has passed since the initial draft law on individual insolvency (personal bankruptcy) was first delivered to the Russian Parliament back in 2012.
Настоящий обзор представляет собой краткое изложение последних изменений в российском законодательстве и не является юридической консультацией. За консультацией по конкретному вопросу следует обращаться непосредственно к юристу. Уайт энд Кейс Романов пер., д. 4 125009 Москва Россия + 7 495 787 3000 + 7 495 787 3001 Изменения в законодательстве о банкротстве Март 2015 ClientAlert Финансовая реструктуризация и банкротство В декабре 2014 г. были внесены изменения в Федеральный закон “О несостоятельности (банкротстве)” № 127-ФЗ от 26 октября 2002 г. (“Закон о банкротстве”).
The issue of the fee for an insolvency practitioner affects every single person involved in insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings. It is known that the receiver’s fee is generally paid out of the debtor’s assets. Accordingly, the higher the fee, the fewer the assets that remain to satisfy creditors’ claims, restore the debtor to solvency and distribute the liquidation surplus among the members.
Specifics of enforcing the consequences of the invalidity of a transaction whereby a pledgeholder leaves pledged property in its ownership.
(ruling No. VAS-14907/11 dated 20 March 2012)
By the above ruling, the Supreme Arbitration Court (SAC) has actually reinforced the specifics of enforcing the consequences of a transaction transferring a debtor’s pledged property being invalid if it is not possible to restore the parties to their initial position.
New Law on "Amendments to the Law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy) and Articles 17 and 223 of the Arbitrage Procedural Code with respect to establishment of special rules for bankruptcy of developers attracting money from participants in construction" was adopted on July 12, 2011 (the "Amendments"). Most of the Amendments were introduced as a special chapter No. 7 named "Bankruptcy of Developers" into the Federal law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy) No. 127-FZ as of 26 October 2002 (as amended) (the "Bankruptcy Law").