"Banking Law" means the Banking Law of Turkey No. 5411.
"BRSA" means the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Authority of Turkey.
"Creditors" means Turkish banks, financial leasing companies, factoring companies and financing companies and Foreign Credit Institutions and International Organizations.
Yeni Gelişme
Finansal Sektöre Olan Borçların Yeniden Yapılandırılması Hakkında Yönetmelik ("Yönetmelik") kapsamında Türkiye Bankalar Birliği ("TBB") tarafından hazırlanan Finansal Yeniden Yapılandırma Çerçeve Anlaşması'na ("Çerçeve Anlaşma") ilişkin değişiklik protokolü bankalar ve diğer finansal kuruluşların imzasına açıldı.
Recent Development
Amendments to the Financial Restructuring Framework Agreement (the "Framework Agreement"), which was drafted by the Turkish Banks Association (the "TBA") within the scope of the Regulation Regarding the Restructuring of Debts Owed to the Financial Sector (the "Regulation"), were distributed to banks and other financial institutions to be executed.
Recent Development
The Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency added a provisional article on consumer loan restructuring to the Regulation on Banks' Loan Transactions and the Regulation on Establishment and Activities of Financial Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies. Pursuant to the provisional article, consumer loans whose principal and/or interest payments became overdue before February 10, 2019 can be restructured to a maximum of sixty months at the borrower's request.
Certain amendments are made on multiple laws concerning Turkish financial markets with the Law No. 7186 and the Capital Movements Circular in line with the letter of Ministry of Treasury and Finance dated 16 July 2019.
Yeni Gelişmeler
Gelir Vergisi Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun ("Torba Kanun") 19 Temmuz 2019 tarih ve 30836 sayılı Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe girdi. Torba Kanun finansal yeniden yapılandırmaya ve gelir vergisine ilişkin düzenlemeler içeriyor.
Torba Kanun ne getiriyor?
Finansal Yeniden Yapılandırma
On 15.03.2018 Amendments to Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law has been introduced by Law No. 7101 and published in the Official Gazette. The most significant changes are as follows:
The recent volatility experienced in Turkish financial markets and in particular the devaluation of Turkish lira have brought many borrowers to the brink of default. This has prompted the Turkish authorities to take action. Accordingly, the Banking Regulatory and Supervision Authority in Turkey (the “BRSA”) has published a new set of restructuring rules, the Regulation on the Restructuring of Debts Owed to the Financial Sector (the “Restructuring Regulation”), which came into force on 15 August 2018.
The Turkish collateralization system was recently updated through the introduction of the Law No. 6750 on Movable Pledges (the “Movable PledgeLaw”).