In a judgment delivered by the First Hall (Commercial Section) on 13 July 2020 in the case Avinco Group Holdings N.V vs Eolia Limited, the Court was asked to determine inter alia whether a winding up application based on the alleged insolvency of the respondent could be entertained in circumstances where the underlying claim of the claimant was disputed.
The COVID-19 pandemic is upending economies globally, causing a wave of unexpected insolvencies. The businesses that remain standing may face the question: will my insolvency or that of my counterparty prevent me from resolving disputes by arbitration?
The short answer is no. However, depending on the jurisdiction, there will be some limitations on what can be decided by arbitration. We have therefore briefly summarized some of the issues and challenges that a party may face under US law in the context of an arbitration arising from its own or an opposing party’s insolvency.
In several Commonwealth jurisdictions, the corporate legislation allows creditors to petition a court to order the winding up of a debtor in circumstances where that debtor is unable to pay its debts as they fall due. Such legislation generally presumes that the debtor is insolvent if it has failed to comply with a statutory notice requiring the debtor to pay a certain debt within a given period of time (a statutory demand).
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act received royal assent on 25 June 2020 and comes into force immediately.
The Act introduces a range of new corporate restructuring tools and suspends, temporarily, parts of the existing insolvency regime. The purpose of this note is to update you on two key aspects of the Act: the moratorium on legal action and the temporary changes in relation to statutory demands and winding-up petitions.
Moratorium on legal action
In addition to cases that are similar to those the previous two batches concerning enforcement against enterprises over pandemic prevention and control materials, the 13 cases in this third batch also contain examples of enterprises not in the pandemic prevention and control materials business resuming work and production. The cases fully shows how the courts used the Internet and telephones to coordinate and negotiate enforcement during the epidemic, thereby keeping public order, minimizing losses and achieving wins for multiple parties.
An unfortunate but inevitable consequence of the economic downturn induced by COVID-19 is that an increasing number of construction companies will enter into insolvency. In Bresco Electrical Services Ltd (in liquidation) v. Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Ltd [2020] UKSC 25, the Supreme Court has provided some respite to contractors in liquidation by finally confirming their unfettered right to refer construction disputes for resolution by adjudication.
In a significant judgment dated 9 June 2020 titled ‘Indus Biotech Private Limited v.
Although the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic have, and continue to, put exceptional pressure on supply chains, the reality is that the insolvency of a business partner is a risk even in normal times. When that business partner is on the other side of pending arbitration proceedings, questions arise as to how the insolvency affects the substantive claim as well as the underlying procedure.
Welcome to the inaugural edition of our new newsletter, which is intended to capture the key developments in the English disputes arena over the past three months. We hope that you will find it an interesting read, whether you are a litigator, either in private practice or in-house, or a generalist wanting to keep abreast of the goings on in this space. We also hope that you will pass it on to any of your colleagues who may find it useful.