Three JAMS neutrals share their perspectives on business interruption and the impact COVID-19 has had on bankruptcy courts
Between the lines... For Private Circulation-Educational & Information purpose only Vaish Associates Advocates… Distinct. By Experience. I. Supreme Court: NCLT cannot adjudicate contractual dispute if termination of contract is based on grounds unrelated to Corporate Debtor's insolvency The Hon’ble Supreme Court (“SC”) has in its judgement dated November 23, 2021, in the matter of TATA Consultancy Services Limited v.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is the overarching name given to the different processes used to determine disputes between parties out with a formal court process. ADR is becoming more popular, but is not as widely used by insolvency practitioners (IPs) in the UK to resolve disputes arising from an insolvency event as it perhaps should be.
Insolvency claims often throw up unique situations, can be hugely complex and are often replete with high emotion. Just the kind of situation where the involvement of a mediator can prove extremely beneficial, enabling parties to reach settlement where earlier bi-lateral negotiations have failed.
Between the lines... For Private Circulation-Educational & Information purpose only Vaish Associates Advocates… Distinct. By Experience. I. Supreme Court: Once the resolution plan is approved by the Committee of Creditors and submitted to the Adjudicating Authority, a successful resolution applicant cannot withdraw or modify the resolution plan The Hon’ble Supreme Court (“SC”) has held in its judgment dated September 13, 2021, in the matter of Ebix Singapore Private Limited v. Committee of Creditors of Educomp Solutions Limited and Another (Civil Appeal No.
The article provides a summary of the Judgement passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Indian in Indus Biotech Private limited v. Kotak India venture fund .2 wherein the court has discussed that whether an Application filed under Section 8 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act , 1996 be maintainable if a petition under Section 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code is pending ?
1 はじめに
産業競争力強化法等の一部を改正する法案が2021年6月9 日に可決成立し、同月16日に公布され一部は公布日に、その 他の部分についても8月2日付で施行されました。
バーチャルオンリー株主総会をはじめとして、多岐にわたる 今回の産業競争力強化法等の改正ですが、本稿では、事業 再生と債権管理に影響のありうる改正点(「債権譲渡の第三 者対抗要件の特例」及び「事業再生の円滑化のための事業 再生ADRに関連する改正」)にフォーカスして説明いたします。 なお、本稿では、ことわりのない限り、改正後の産業競争力強 化法を「法」と略しています。
2 債権譲渡の第三者対抗要件の特例
これまで債権譲渡の第三者対抗要件の具備には、①公証 役場での確定日付の取得や内容証明郵便(民法467条、民 法施行法5条1項2号及び6号)、あるいは②債権譲渡特例法 に基づく債権譲渡登記(債権譲渡特例法4条1項、14条1項) のいずれかの方法による必要があり、実務的には①のうちの 内容証明郵便(電子内容証明を含む)の方法が多く用いられ ています。
Last month, leading litigation funder and asset management firm Burford posed questions on major legal developments in the offshore markets over the past 18 months and economic trends that will play out in the markets post-pandemic to leading litigators, insolvency practitioners and financial professionals in the region.
Is there any downside to a debtor filing a motion to estimate a claim? Or, is an estimation motion simply procedural in nature? As the debtors recently discovered in In re SC SJ Holdings LLC, a motion to estimate a claim before a bankruptcy court may not always lead to a significantly reduced claim, and may impact plan confirmation.
The Facts
◆AMT グレーターチャイナセミナー
当事務所では、中国メインランド、香港、台湾について、各専門家が各分野のトピックについて解説を行うシリーズ 講座(オンラインセミナー)を開催しております。今後数回の予定は次の通りです。具体的なテーマ及び日程には 変更が生じる可能性がありますので、正確な情報は直近のメールでのご案内をご覧ください。なお、本セミナーは 本ニュースレターの受信を頂いている皆様方を中心にご案内させていただいております。 第 8 回(中国メインランド):2021 年 8 月 26 日(木)14:00 外資企業の中国進出にかかる実務的検討~外商投資法施行後の影響を踏まえて~ 講師:アソシエイト弁護士 尾関 麻帆 上海オフィス顧問 銭 一帆