Arbitral awards benefit from being widely enforceable. This is the case particularly in jurisdictions that are members of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 10 June 1958 (New York Convention). Recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award under the New York Convention is rejected only on narrow grounds (Article V). There is, however, an additional ground for an award to become unenforceable in a specific jurisdiction that is often overlooked: limitation periods.
In this issue:
2020 was a difficult and uncertain year, with unprecedented challenges across the globe, changing the world as we know it. At the start of 2021, the country remained in lockdown and Brexit materialised - with a deal - posing a further seismic shift. It remains unclear what the full effect of either will be on the economy. On the plus side, the active vaccination programme may offer us a route out of the pandemic. But one thing is clear, lawyers are resilient and our flexible fee structures and case funding options prove more important than ever. We are here, ready to help.
The Supreme Court’s decision in Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd [2020] UKSC 31 of 15 July 2020 provided much needed clarity on the scope of the rule against “reflective loss”.
India is the seventh largest country in the world spread over a total area of 32,87,263 sq kms, including the territorial seas. Located in South Asia in the tropical belt just north of the equator, it is separated from mainland Asia by the Himalayas, a mountain range that umbrellas the entire northern region stretching to a distance of 2,400 kms to the east. India is home to some of the world‟s highest peaks shielding the country‟s 281 States and 82 Union Territories. Several important rivers originate from this mountain range.
A recent judgment of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry International Company Ltd v Clyde & Co Australia [2020] WASC 132 (available here), demonstrates that the use of interim measures to provide security for an amount in dispute can be a very powerful remedy when structured through the creation of a trust.
The recent outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has had grave effects on people’s life as well as the economy in almost every country in the world, including Vietnam.
Recognizing the negative impacts of the pandemic on the economy, as well as the considerable difficulty of businesses in solving crises arising during this period of time, Apolat Legal publishes the “A legal handbook for businesses the COVID-19 pandemic” to provide a useful legal reference that businesses can apply to solve difficulties during this period.
New guarantee facility, extension of ERTE temporary layoff procedures, effects of the crisis on transfer pricing, return to judicial activity and ‘shields’ for businesses.
Esta semana cabe destacar la nueva línea de avales, la prórroga de los ERTE, los efectos de la crisis en los precios de transferencia, la vuelta de la actividad judicial y los posibles ‘escudos’ para empresas en dificultades.