As mentioned in our earlier blog, the Dutch legislator has prepared a bill – the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord) – introducing a framework that allows debtors to restructure their debts outside formal insolvency proceedings (the “Dutch Scheme“). We expect this highly-anticipated bill to enter into force by this summer.
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
No es concursal una acción que tiene por objeto una pretensión de indemnización de daños y perjuicios por responsabilidad delictual o cuasidelictual, que ejercita el síndico en el marco de un procedimiento de insolvencia y que, de prosperar, daría lugar a la reintegración de lo obtenido en la masa activa. La competencia para conocer de ella se determina por las disposiciones del Reglamento Bruselas I (RBI, aplicado al caso por razones temporales, si bien lo decidido por el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea [TJUE] se extiende al actualmente aplicable RBIbis).
28 November 2018
Recovery and Resolution (Insurers) Act
FCS Financial Law
Introduction of senior non-preferred debt in the Netherlands
3 April 2018
FCS Financial Law
A new EU Directive adopted in December 2017 will enable EU banks, large investments firms and relevant group companies (e.g. holding companies) to issue so-called 'senior non-preferred' debt instruments.
Such senior non-preferred debt will rank senior to regulatory capital instruments (CET1, AT1 and Tier 2) and other subordinated debt, but junior to the institution's senior debt (such as deposits and ordinary creditors).
The INSOL International Channel Islands Seminar took place on 13 September 2017 in Guernsey, where tensions rose high as jurisdictions battled it out for the crown of the "go-to" jurisdiction for cross border restructurings.
De belastingplichtige houdt indirect aandelen in een BV. De BV heeft een schuld aan de bank in verband waarmee de belastingplichtige zich tot een bedrag van € 150.000 borg heeft gesteld. Nadat de BV in 2010 failliet gaat, vormt de belastingplichtige een voorziening van € 150.000 in verband met de borgstelling. In 2011 betaalt de belastingplichtige uiteindelijk, tegen finale kwijting, € 30.000 aan de bank. Volgens de inspecteur valt € 120.000 van de gevormde voorziening belast vrij in 2011. |
On May 9 2017 the Amsterdam Court of Appeals ruled that the Russian liquidation order of August 1 2006 regarding OAO Yukos Oil Company is contrary to Dutch public order and therefore null and void.(1) An interesting question is whether the judgment will have a bearing in the appeal of the annulment proceedings concerning the $50 billion Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) arbitration case between former Yukos shareholders and Russia, which is pending before The Hague Court of Appeal.
De Hoge Raad heeft geoordeeld dat het adviesrecht van de ondernemingsraad in beginsel wel van toepassing is in geval van faillissement. Hierbij formuleert de Hoge Raad drie richtlijnen: