The first of a series on ‘the perfect restructuring’ in an employment law context, this article examines best practice in the preparation and planning phases of a business restructure.

Member Firm: Kliemt

By: Markus Janko


A recent ruling of the German Federal Civil Court (Bundesgerichtshof (“BGH”)) is a reminder of the risks which shareholders of a German company can face in an insolvency of their German subsidiary.


Hilfe, meine Daten!

Für viele Unternehmen ist die Auslagerung des Daten-Hostings an einen externen Hosting-Anbieter aus Sicherheits- und Kostengründen attraktiv. Bevor sensible oder wertvolle Daten extern verwaltet werden, sollte sich die Unternehmensführung aber zu einem möglichen Konkurs des Hosting-Anbieters Gedanken machen. Ein solcher wirft nämlich verschiedene bisher nur wenig geklärte Rechtsfragen auf.

Was passiert beim Konkurs des Hosting-Anbieters?


When the reforms come into force, they will supplement and complement the Recast European Union Insolvency Regulation that became effective on June 26, 2017.


Where restructuring measures comprising collective redundancies become necessary, the employer must fulfil a number of legal requirements to successfully implement such measures. While it is sometimes tempting to implement the necessary restructuring in a way that ignores the various legal requirements (e.g. co-determination of the works council etc.), there are only exceptional situations in which such a way does not lead to a total failure of the original plan.



In May 2017, the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof), Az. XI ZR 571/15, has given its views for the first time on bridging loans (Überbrückungskredite) and their validity in a restructuring scenario.


Beseitigung eines steuerlichen Liquidationshindernisses durch die Verfügung der OFD Frankfurt a.M. vom 30. Juni 2017?!


Air Berlin, one of Europe’s largest airlines, filed for insolvency on 15 August 2017. The airline, which is Germany’s second-largest carrier after Lufthansa, filed following the decision by Etihad Airways to pull financial support. Etihad owns 29% of Air Berlin and had been pumping money into the struggling airline for the past 6 years.
