Die produzierende Industrie in Deutschland wird derzeit durch massive Materialpreis- und Energiekostenerhöhungen aufgrund der mittelbaren Folgen der Corona-Pandemie, gestörten Lieferketten und dem Ukrainekrieg erheblich in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.


The manufacturing industry in Germany is currently being severely affected by massive increases in material prices and energy costs due to the indirect consequences of the Corona pandemic, disrupted supply chains and the Ukraine war.


Germany is experiencing a severe energy crisis due to the Ukraine conflict and its effect on the supply of natural gas. Energy intensive companies have seen a dramatic increase in energy costs, irrecoverable from consumers, causing grave financial distress in various German industries. As a result, the German government plans to modify the German Insolvency Code (InsO) on a temporary basis. 



Germany eases directors' duty to file for insolvency

November 14, 2022

AUTHORS Dr. Wolfram Prusko | Dr. Joachim Glckler | Dr. David Ehmke

With effect as of November 9, 2022, Germany eases directors' duty to file for insolvency. In response to global business uncertainty and the current energy crisis, Germany enacted the Law on the Temporary Adjustment of Restructuring and Insolvency Law Provisions to Mitigate the Impact of Crises (SanInsKG).


The scheme offers a credible implementation alternative, but no “one size fits all” solution exists for German credits.

German credits in sectors such as real estate, automotive, and energy face a worsening macro backdrop. At the same time, the available toolkit for financial restructurings has expanded, offering multiple options without the need for recourse to insolvency proceedings.


1 COVInsAG wird zum SanInsKG 2 Was ändert sich für Sie konkret? 3 Wo liegen die Besonderheiten? 4 FAZIT


COVInsAG wird zum SanInsKG



Once again, since spring 2020, the German legislator is adapting fundamental provisions of German insolvency law. Find out here what this is about and what implications the changes have for enterprises.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the obligation for businesses in Germany to file for insolvency was temporarily suspended by the COVID-19 Insolvency Suspension Act (COVInsAG). Accompanied by financial support measures, the German government wanted to counter the economic effects of the pandemic and enable companies to survive.


Als Reaktion auf die aktuellen Verwerfungen auf den Energie- und Rohstoffmärkten und die damit zusammenhängenden finanziellen Belastungen für Unternehmen tritt am 9. November 2022 das Gesetz zur vorübergehenden Anpassung sanierungs- und insolvenzrechtlicher Vorschriften zur Abmilderung von Krisenfolgen (Sanierungs- und insolvenzrechtliches Krisenfolgenabmilderungsgesetz – SanInsKG) in Kraft. Kern des SanInsKG ist eine zeitlich befristete Entschärfung des Insolvenzeröffnungstatbestands der Überschuldung gemäß § 19 InsO.


The Law on the Temporary Adaption of Restructuring and Insolvency Law Provisions to Mitigate the Consequences of the Crisis (SanInsKG) was published in the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) today (8 November 2022) and will become effective in German law tomorrow (9 November 2022), following a very quick legislative process.

Purpose of the SanInsKG

SanInsKG is intended to address the difficulty of companies assessing their solvency in the current economic climate.
