In 2021, the German legislator changed the rules of conduct by inserting a further section into the German Insolvency Code (InsO).



In a recent judgment on directors’ liability, the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf (Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf) held that startup companies are not deemed to be overindebted if they are receiving adequate finance from their shareholders or third parties.



Federal Court of Justice, Judgment of 24 August 2021, Case No. X ZR 59/19 (BPatG) – Oscillating Drive

In the underlying case, the Federal Patent Court had dismissed the nullity actions of four separate plaintiffs against the German part of a European patent (judgment of 26 February 2019, case no. 3 Ni 29/17). All four plaintiffs appealed against this decision to the Federal Court of Justice.


Bundesgerichtshof, Urteil v. 24. August 2021, Az. X ZR 59/19 (BPatG) – Oszillationsantrieb

Im zugrundeliegenden Fall hatte das Bundespatentgericht die Nichtigkeitsklagen von insgesamt vier Klägern gegen den deutschen Teil eines Europäischen Patents abgewiesen (Urteil v. 26. Februar 2019, Az. 3 Ni 29/17). Alle vier Kläger legten hiergegen Berufung zum Bundesgerichtshof ein.


The German court has published LG München I v. 13.07.2021 - 6 O 17571/20 – the first published ruling on COVInsAG. We unpack the key takeaways from the decision below.


To mitigate the economic effects of the pandemic, the German government passed the COVID-19 Insolvency Suspension Act (COVInsAG) to temporarily suspend the obligation on directors to file for insolvency where the debtor's insolvency was due to the pandemic. The COVInsAG (Section 2(1) Nos.2 and 4) also suspends large parts of the rules on insolvency avoidance.


The German Act on the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework for Business (StaRUG) came into force on 1 January 2021, incorporating the EU Restructuring Directive into German law. It provides the first pre-insolvency restructuring framework for the reorganisation of companies facing "imminent illiquidity" and the possibility of involving dissenting creditors. The restructuring plan – which is very similar to the English Scheme of Arrangement and the German insolvency plan – is the central instrument.

Section 1 StaRUG

With the Act on the Temporary Suspension of the Insolvency Filing Obligation Due to Heavy Rainfall and Floods in July 2021 (Gesetz zur vorübergehenden Aussetzung der Insolvenzantragspflicht wegen Starkregenfällen und Hochwassern im Juli 2021), which is part of the Reconstruction Assistance Act 2021 (Aufbauhilfegesetzes 2021), the German Federal Parliament and the German Federal Council have decided to suspend the obligation to file for insolvency retroactively as of 10 July 2021.


Etihad, die staatliche Fluggesellschaft der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, war Hauptaktionärin der Air Berlin. Etihad stellte Air Berlin seit 2011 Liquidität zur Verfügung. Als sie die finanzielle Unterstützung im August 2017 beendete, stellte Air Berlin wenige Tage später beim Amtsgericht Charlottenburg einen Antrag auf Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens. Die rechtlichen Folgen dieser Insolvenz sind immer noch nicht ganz abgearbeitet. Ein wirtschaftlich bedeutender Aspekt beschäftigte zuletzt die deutschen und englischen Gerichte.



The German Code for Restructuring and Insolvency Law Development (SanInsFoG) came into force in early 2021, resulting in significant changes to the Insolvency Code. The changes impact both self-administration proceedings (where the debtor retains possession and control of its assets in insolvency proceedings, usually to implement a restructuring) and protective shield proceedings (where the debtor develops an insolvency plan). The requirements for self-administration proceedings have become stricter.

Liquidity forecast


The Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) has ruled on 18 May 2021 (docket number 3 AZR 317/20) that in the case of the PSV’s assertion of claims against the insolvency administrator of an insolvent company, it is not the balance sheet interest rate used for the calculation of the pension provisions that is applicable, but the standard statutory interest rate according to section 246 German Civil Code (BGB). Only this interest rate is decisive for the calculation of the amount of claims.

Facts / Background:
