Chinese bankruptcies have surged recently as the government uses the legal system to deal with “zombie” companies and reduce industrial overcapacity as part of a broader effort to restructure the economy. According to figures from the Supreme People’s Court, Chinese courts accepted 5,665 bankruptcy cases in 2016, an increase of 53.8% from the previous year1. As the Chinese government and the courts become more receptive to bankruptcies, without a mature market-based credit system in place, the risks heighten that debtors and creditors could try to game the bankruptcy process.


Decoding the code - China's new General Civil Law Rules: the first step towards a comprehensive civil code June 2017 Decoding the code - China's new General Civil Law Rules: the first step towards a comprehensive civil code June 2017 1 Overview and background On 15 March 2017, the People's Republic of China General Civil Law Rules (中华人民共和国 民法总则) (hereinafter referred to as the "GCLR") were formally adopted at the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress. The GCLR will enter into force on 1 October 2017.









The giants of Asia – Indonesia, China, and India – raise many opportunities and challenges for insolvency practitioners. Baker McKenzie’s own Andi Kadir spoke this morning about some of the solutions to those problems, showcasing his significant experience with insolvency reforms and opportunities in Indonesia.

Andi highlighted the benefits of the Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang regime as a restructuring tool in Indonesia. A PKPU is a debtor in possession mechanism, somewhat like a blend of a US Chapter 11 administration with aspects of the insolvency laws of the Netherlands.


The Chinese Maritime Courts are not obliged to recognise and/or enforce foreign courts' orders, therefore Hanjin's creditors could still arrest Hanjin-related vessels in China if they have maritime claims (recognised under Chinese law) against the registered owners and/or bareboat charterers of the said vessels.

Container leasing companies and bunker suppliers could also file applications in order to request that the corresponding Chinese Maritime Courts order Hanjin to return the leased containers to Hanjin or the bunkers supplied to Hanjin in certain circumstances.


On October 8, 2016, China’s Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) published the Provisional Administrative Rules on Foreign-Invested Enterprises’ Establishment and Amendment(《外商投资企业设立及变更备案管理暂行办法》), effective immediately.


Dispute Resolution Beijing/Hong Kong/Shanghai Client Alert PRC Launches Information Website for Bankrupt Enterprises and Sets Up Bankruptcy Courts Recent developments The People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) recently launched two initiatives in relation to enterprise bankruptcies. On 1 August 2016, the Supreme People’s Court (the “SPC”) launched the Information Website for National Bankrupt Enterprises Recombinational Cases (the “Website”).


An insolvent enterprise incorporated in Mainland China (“PRC”) or its creditors (“Applicant”) may institute a bankruptcy proceeding against the insolvent enterprise under the PRC Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (“Bankruptcy Law”) by the filing of a bankruptcy petition. There have long been complaints by industry practitioners that PRC courts are reluctant to register bankruptcy petitions.





Preferred maritime liens can raise challenging issues during maritime disputes—especially during bankruptcy. Creditors may encounter problems when filing for seizure due to their unique nature, with venue is becoming a determining factor.
