Do you know the new rules?
The alarming increase in "speculative mergers" and the increasingly frequent occurrence of strawmen in commercial companies' management structures has long been seen as a major obstacle on the Slovak market. In response, the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic has amended the Commercial Code to support and encourage business in Slovakia.
Below we summarise the key changes that affect all business entities, not only with respect to mergers, but also in other areas of day-to-day commercial activity in Slovakia.
The Czech Government has prepared several measures that should help people and businesses in the challenging times related to the outbreak of COVID-19. These measures are currently divided into several draft laws, covering topics such as insolvency, loans, leases, employment, and court proceedings. We have chosen relevant fields briefly described below and we will provide more detailed information about these relevant fields once the final laws are passed by the Parliament (which should be shortly due to the state of legislative emergency).
I) Introduction
Tax treatment in the hands of the creditor
If a creditor waives an intra-group receivable, this leads to an accounting loss in the amount of the receivable. Such loss, however, is not automatically tax-deductible in the hands of the creditor.
In 2008, the catastrophic effect of the credit crunch spread to most world economies. As in previous recessions, insolvency has affected increasing numbers of individuals and companies, and parties to agreements to arbitrate are increasingly likely to find themselves dealing with insolvent companies. What are the issues to bear in mind?
1/ Prior insolvency
An examination of the impact of an insolvent respondent in an arbitration.
In 2008, the catastrophic effect of the credit crunch spread to most world economies, touching governments, companies and individuals alike. As in previous recessions, insolvency is affecting increasing numbers of individuals and companies. UK government figures show that individual insolvencies went up by 8.8% in the third quarter of 2008, with corporate liquidations up by 10.5% in the same period. Commentators predict that this trend will only accelerate through 2009.
The latest piece in the jigsaw of Hong Kong's corporate winding-up regime is the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Ordinance 2016 ("Amendment Ordinance"), which enters into legal effect as of today, 13 February 2017.
Het COVID-19 virus heeft ook vergaande gevolgen voor de toegankelijkheid van overheidsrechtspraak en alternatieve vormen van geschilbeslechting in Nederland. In dit artikel vertellen we u welke maatregelen er tot op heden zijn getroffen en wat de consequenties daarvan zijn voor zowel lopende als nieuwe zaken.
Sluiting van gerechtsgebouwen
It is widely known that COVID-19 imposes immediate difficulties on many companies to pay their bills, and – equally – to collect their own outstanding invoices. Below, we discuss the most commonly expected complications against the background of enforcement, leniency provisions and – if worst comes to worst – insolvency in the Netherlands.
Government measures (emergency aid)
Hierna volgt een korte bespreking van een arrest dat met name van belang is voor de praktijk. Een praktijk waarin curatoren steeds vaker geconfronteerd worden met ICT-leveranciers die zich opstellen als dwangcrediteuren (ik roep Oilily in herinnering), maar niet onder de reikwijdte van artikl 37b Fw vallen.