Die Geltung von Tarifverträgen kann nicht davon abhängig gemacht werden, dass die Arbeitsvertragsparteien mit einer Bezugnahmeklausel auf die Tarifverträge verweisen.
Das BAG hat entschieden, dass die Tarifvertragsparteien in Tarifverträgen nicht vereinbaren können, dass trotz beiderseitiger Tarifgebundenheit von Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber die Ansprüche aus einem Tarifvertrag nur dann bestehen sollen, wenn die Arbeitsvertragsparteien den Tarifvertrag durch eine Bezugnahmeklausel individualvertraglich nachvollziehen.
El RDL 16/2020 de 28 de abril y el Texto Refundido de la Ley Concursal, que entrará en vigor el 1 de septiembre de 2020, han suscitado numerosas cuestiones, a la vista de la situación compleja que previsiblemente se avecina. Para abordar, desde un punto de vista práctico y ágil, las principales novedades que plantean, Bird & Bird celebró el pasado 30 de junio un webinar, bajo el título Principales novedades en materia preconcursal y concursal a raíz del RDL 16/2020 y el nuevo Texto Refundido de la Ley Concursal.
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (the "Act") represents big changes to the current insolvency legislative framework and potentially to companies who may be affected by an insolvency within their supply chain. It will introduce new protections for insolvent companies against creditors wishing to exercise termination rights within supply contracts and against more aggressive creditor action.
Especially in view of the crisis resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic, the question arises: What happens to tokens in insolvency, especially if they are held in safekeeping by a service provider for his customers?
Gerade im Anbetracht der aus der Corona-Pandemie folgenden Krise stellt sich die Frage: Was passiert mit Token in der Insolvenz, insbesondere, wenn sie von einem Dienstleister für seine Kunden verwahrt werden?
The UK Government has proposed legislation to address the difficulties faced by UK companies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic when it comes to holding meetings of shareholders and filing documents with the UK Registrar of Companies (Companies House).
On 3 December 2020, the UK Government (HM Treasury) issued a consultation paper (the Consultation) setting out a proposal to implement a new “special administration regime” (the SAR) which it is proposed would apply to any insolvency of an authorised payment institution (a PI) or electronic money institution (an EMI).
On 3 December 2020, HM Treasury published the Government's proposal to implement a new special administration regime for PIs and EMIs (PI and EMI SAR), a copy of which can be seen here.
The UK Government announced on 24 September 2020 that some of the temporary COVID-19 measures within the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (CIGA) will be extended.
The effect of the extension is as follows:
Tax treatment in the hands of the creditor
The waiver of debt results in the accounting ‘loss’ of a receivable. Such loss, however, is not automatically tax deductible in the hands of the creditor.
The deductibility of such loss may be prohibited, either because it is deemed not to be incurred to retain or increase taxable income (‘general deduction criterion’), or because it is deemed to be an ‘abnormal or benevolent advantage’ granted to the debtor (‘anti-abuse rule’).