Welcome to the latest issue of the Section 337 Update. This newsletter is designed to provide you with practical updates and developments on Section 337 proceedings before the US International Trade Commission.
The Collision of Section 337 and the US Bankruptcy Laws
On September 8th, 2014 the Court of International Trade dismissed an importer’s challenge to CBP’s liquidation of entries subject to anti-dumping duties. The importer claimed the entries should have been subject to suspension of liquidation but were not. The court determined that regardless of what should have occurred, the liquidation took place, and the importer did not take any action to reverse or negate that action.
A bankruptcy court in Pennsylvania recently held that trade creditors who supplied goods to a debtor prior to its bankruptcy filing were not entitled to administrative priority status under Bankruptcy Code section 503(b)(9) because the goods were “received by the debtor” at the time they were placed on the vessel at the port overseas more than 20 days before the debtor’s bankruptcy filing, although the debtor took possession of the goods within the 20 day period. In re World Imports, Ltd. — B.R. —-, 2014 WL 2750258 (Bankr. E.D. Pa., June 18, 2014).
Recently, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) took a new, creative tack in a long struggle with importers regarding application of the “deemed liquidation” statute, 19 U.S.C. § 1504, to entries subject to antidumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD). Importers need to be aware that CBP is now taking the dubious position that it is entitled to “reliquidate” a “deemed liquidated” entry at any time, so long as it gives notice to the importer of the “deemed liquidation” and then reliquidates the entry within 90 days after the date of the notice.
The Law on Enterprise and Law on Investment that took effect in 2015 introduced refreshing changes to Vietnam’s investment and business landscape. Designed to stimulate and better facilitate foreign investments in the country, the two new laws have since given rise to several implementing regulations that expound on important subjects such as foreign ownership up to 100% in listed companies, private public partnerships, trade, and representative offices.
It is being reported that the Latvian State Security Service (the VDD) has discontinued a criminal investigation started in November 2023 into the sale of a helicopter by a company indirectly co-owned by the designated person Petr Aven .
On 14 March 2023, a new law (Tijdelijke wet transparantie turboliquidatie) was adopted by the Dutch legislator. This law introduces a filing obligation of the managing board that will apply to shortened liquidation procedures applied as per 15 November 2023. Under this obligation, the managing board of the company must file certain (financial) documents with the Dutch trade register and inform creditors of the company of this filing.
The debt purchaser in In re McIntosh argued that because it was enforcing a debt that was not listed correctly on the debtor’s bankruptcy schedules, it was entitled to assume the debt had not been discharged. The U.S.
Because bankruptcy courts were created by Congress rather than under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, there is a disagreement over whether bankruptcy courts, like other federal courts, have "inherent authority" to impose sanctions for civil contempt on parties that refuse to comply with their orders. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit revisited this debate in In re Markus, 78 F.4th 554 (2nd Cir. 2023).
One year ago, we wrote that 2022 would be remembered in the corporate bankruptcy world for the "crypto winter" that descended in November 2022 with the spectacular collapse of FTX Trading Ltd., Alameda Research, and approximately 130 other affiliated companies that ignited the meltdown of many other platforms, exchanges, lenders, and mining operations because they did business with FTX.