Im Zuge der „Corona-Krise“ benötigen viele betroffene Unternehmen dringend staatliche Unterstützung, um akute Liquiditätsengpässe zeitnah abwenden zu können und um ihre Eigenkapitalquote zu stärken. Der Bund hat dazu nun das Gesetz zur Errichtung eines Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds (WStFG) erlassen. Das WStFG sieht die Errichtung eines Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds (WSF) zur Stützung der Realwirtschaft vor (Ausführliche Informationen zum WSF wie bspw. zu Antragsberechtigungen, Voraussetzungen und Zuständigkeiten finden Sie u.a.
In this blog, we highlight changes to law, practice and procedure that will or could impact the restructuring insolvency market this year – covering important changes that should be on your radar – as well as providing an update on those changes that were expected but which might be delayed beyond 2020.
Brexit – will it be business as usual for R&I practitioners?
This week sees the UK finally leave Europe.
Summary and Overview
Most of the aspects governing cross-border litigation within the EU are governed by EU Regulation, or by international agreements applicable to the UK by virtue of EU membership. Key aspects relating to commercial litigation will be affected by the UK’s exit from the EU.
After a turbulent year in British politics, the UK is now clearly charting a momentous course out of the European Union.
Leaving the European Union is likely to have far-reaching implications, particularly for International Banks who have traditionally used London as a gateway for accessing financial services markets in the rest of Europe. What will happen to single market access in the long term remains to be seen.
The Hogan Lovells’ Corporate Insurance Newsletter for January 2020 has been published. This provides a round-up of UK, EU and international regulatory developments relevant to UK based insurance market participants. In this issue, amongst other items, we cover:
2019 has been a busy year for restructuring specialists. Although the UK economy narrowly avoided a recession, a combination of continued domestic and international political uncertainty, decreased consumer confidence and challenging conditions in certain sectors has meant that a number of businesses have gone through restructurings and, in some high-profile cases, insolvency processes during the year.
We consider one case illustrating the efficiency of international insolvency proceedings commenced in Ireland, improvements to the efficiency of the appellate courts and one imminent legislative change, which will impose an administrative burden on the holders of security over book debts.
Ireland as an efficient venue for international insolvency
Foreword Head of Real Estate Disputes Mathew Ditchburn considers what 2020 may have "in store". Five minutes with: Hebe Morgan We chat to real estate associate Hebe Morgan who is currently on secondment at M&G Real Estate.
CVA Special: Mathew Ditchburn reports
This update explains the key changes in cross-border insolvency proceedings if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 31 October 2019 (or at a later date). Importantly, a no-deal exit will impact how and where such insolvency proceedings can be raised in a post-Brexit future.
A bit of background
While the UK is still an EU Member State, EU Regulations provide a clear framework for conducting cross-border insolvency proceedings. The EU Insolvency Regulations (the 2000 Insolvency Regulation and the 2015 Recast Insolvency Regulation) include provisions which: