Citing public opposition to the bill, on Tuesday the president of Iceland vetoed legislation that would provide a state guarantee for repayment of approximately $5 billion of loans provided by the U.K.
Earlier today, DSB Bank N.V. (DSB) was declared bankrupt and ordered to liquidate, ending hopes the regional lender, which last week suffered a run on deposits and was subsequently put into receivership, might be sold or bailed out.
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) began the process of appointing receivers Monday for DSB Bank NA (DSB) after DSB experienced a “run” when rumors of its insolvency spread via Twitter and other outlets.
We are delighted to share with you our Financial Institutions Horizons 2021, which provides a snapshot of key legal topics and market trends across the globe, shaping the future of the financial institutions market.
Taking decisions to liquidate companies has become a matter of routine when optimising corporate structures to improve cost efficiency. Increasingly, we see that such decisions have been taken either prematurely or without taking all of the relevant factors into account.
Corporate Structures Newsletter - June 2016 Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam For more information please contact: Ilona de Schipper Associate +31 20 551 7806 Director Disqualification Act enters into force on July 1, 2016 On July 1, 2016, the Director Disqualification Act (in Dutch: Wet civielrechtelijk bestuursverbod) will enter into force. The purpose of this act is to combat bankruptcy fraud and prevent managing directors from continuing mala fide activities through existing or new legal entities. Similar legislation is already in place in at least 11 other European Union member states.
Update on Dutch partnerships Willemijn Punt The Dutch Supreme Court recently delivered two important and interesting judgments in the matter of partnerships. The first judgment relates to the consequences of bankruptcy of a general partnership or a limited partnership for its partners. The second judgment pertains to a matter that has kept opinions in case law and legal literature divided for a long time, namely whether or not an acceding partner is liable for debts of the partnership going back to a moment in time prior to his or her accession.
On September 19, the Dutch District Court ruled in the first ever Dutch court case on the transfer pricing implications of a large business restructuring and confirmed the legal certainty that taxpayers can derive from thorough transfer pricing documentation. The case was litigated by the Tax Dispute Resolution group of Baker McKenzie Amsterdam.
In de Employment Update van april jl. informeerden wij u al over het feit dat de Advocaat-Generaal van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie ("HvJ") in zijn conclusie in de zaak Estro/Smallsteps het HvJ heeft geadviseerd, dat de Richtlijn Overgang van Onderneming gewoon van toepassing dient te zijn op zogenaamde pre-pack faillissementen. Een pre-pack faillissement betekent - in het kort - dat een doorstart volgend op een faillissement al vóór de faillietverklaring in stilte wordt voorbereid met de hulp van een "beoogd curator".
De Hoge Raad heeft geoordeeld dat het adviesrecht van de ondernemingsraad in beginsel wel van toepassing is in geval van faillissement. Hierbij formuleert de Hoge Raad drie richtlijnen: