(Europa West-Indië Lijnen B.V./Container Leasing International LLC)
A recent judgment of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal marks the latest trend in Dutch law to strengthen the position of the debtor in the context of pre-judgment attachments. The Court of Appeal gave effect to the full disclosure principle that stipulates that the creditor, in its request for leave to make pre-judgment attachments, should properly inform the court of the merits of its claim and the dispute with the debtor.
A Bill has been submitted to the Second Chamber extending the Act on the Collective Settlement of Mass Claims (WCAM) to bankruptcy situations.
The WCAM has been in force since 2005 and enables parties involved in mass claims to apply to the Amsterdam Court of Appeal to declare a settlement binding on all class members. Well-known examples of this are the Court's decisions in DES and in Dexia. A recent decision in Converium shows that the WCAM may also apply to the settlement of mass claims involving a majority of foreign parties.
- Introduction
On 13 June 2012 legislation allowing the Dutch Central Bank or the Dutch Minister of Finance to intervene in respect of failing banks and insurance companies with seat in the Netherlands ("Intervention Act") came into force with retroactive effect from 20 January 2012.
On 13 June 2012 the Financial Institutions (Special Measures) Act (Wet bijzondere maatregelen financiële ondernemingen; "Intervention Act") entered into force with retro-active effect as of 20 January 2012). The Intervention Act includes new powers for the Netherlands Central Bank ("DNB") to procure that a bank or insurer which is experiencing serious financial problems is transferred, in whole or in part, to a third party.
Taking decisions to liquidate companies has become a matter of routine when optimising corporate structures to improve cost efficiency. Increasingly, we see that such decisions have been taken either prematurely or without taking all of the relevant factors into account.
In a recent case before the Court of Appeal in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the question was raised whether a liquidator should get access to data stored in a cloud, when the company, having a contractual relationship with the cloud provider, has gone into bankruptcy.
A bill introducing special measures with regard to financial undertakings (Intervention Bill) has been published for consultation. The bill would extend government powers to intervene in financial undertakings which are in serious difficulties. Under the bill the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) could draw up a plan for the transfer of financial undertakings which are experiencing irreversible financial problems. DNB could submit the transfer plan to the courts and request an order to implement the transfer scheme.