Insolvency and Asset Recovery partner Tim Symes appeared on Sky News’ Business Live with Ian King as the latest government figures revealed that company and individual insolvencies in England and Wales remain close to an all time high.
In this week’s TGIF, we consider Jahani, in the matter of Ralan Property Services Pty Ltd (receivers and managers appointed) (in liq) [2023] FCA 738, a Federal Court decision approving the liquidators’ entry into funding agreements.
Key takeaways
In certain circumstances the official liquidator of a Cayman company may be able to take action to recover assets which have been transferred in the run up to the company’s insolvency. It is important for those concerned with the affairs of a Cayman company in the twilight of insolvency to be aware of the statutory powers available to the official liquidator and the Grand Court in the Cayman Islands.
Subchapter V eligibility requires a debtor to be “engaged in” commercial/business activities.
Case Law Consensus
Case law consensus is that such activities must exist on the petition filing date. That means a debtor cannot utilize Subchapter V when:
- business assets are fully-liquidated;
- unpaid debts are the only remnant of the failed business; and
- prospects for resuming such activities are nil.
So . . . here’s the question: Is that the right eligibility standard?
I say, “No.”
A Hypothetical
- 案情简介
众所周知,近年来全球经济形势在新冠疫情的阴影下日趋严峻,各行各业均受到了不同程度的负面影响。这种影响传导至PE/VC行业,就演变成“退出难” 问题。被投企业无法上市、业绩低迷、没人接盘……不得已,投资机构们开始打起了“清算”的主意,趁着投资本金还没亏完,能捞回来一点是一点。于是,机构们纷纷向被投企业主张“优先清算权”。关于优先清算权的法律效力,此前的主流观点曾认为《公司法》第186条第二款并不允许有限责任公司自由约定清算剩余财产分配事项,但随着《民法典》的立法进程以及颁布、实施,近年来的司法判例却大多认为《公司法》第186条第二款并非效力性强制性规定,因而支持优先清算权的法律效力。本文拟对几个典型判例进行介绍,以此给PE/VC行业人士提供有益参考。
如系争投资协议项下的“优先清算权”条款约定目标公司在分别支付法定的优于股东之间分配的款项后,部分股东优先于其他股东取得优先分配的,则该股 东内部对于分配顺序进行的约定并不违反《公司法》规定。
A decision which insolvency practitioners will welcome in, Cathro, in the matter of Cubic Interiors NSW Pty Ltd (In Liq) [2023] FCA 694, the Federal Court clarified that s588FL of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act) does not cover security interests granted by a security agreement made after the “critical time” as defined in s588FL(7) of the Act.
In Vincent Cold Storage Pty Ltd v Centuria Property Funds No 2 Limited (No 2) [2023] VSC 314, the Deed Administrator sought section 444F orders to restrain the property owner from retaking premises leased by Vincent Cold Storage in administration and was unsuccessful.
Key takeaways
On 8 March 2023, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands appointed Joint Provisional Liquidators (“JPLs”) over Atom Holdings (the “Company”), a Cayman incorporated holding company for the Atom Group, which operated a cryptocurrency exchange via an online platform known as AAX (Atom Asset Exchange).
The Royal Court has recently handed down the final decision in the matter of Eagle Holdings Limited (in compulsory liquidation).[1] In this decision, the Royal Court of Guernsey provided guidance and assistance to the joint liquidators regarding a distribution of surplus funds.