The Supreme Court has held that, in order to open secondary proceedings in England under EC Regulation 1346/2000 on Insolvency Proceedings, the company’s “establishment” within the jurisdiction must be a fixed place of business that is involved in a business activity that consists of dealings with third parties: The T
timeline - a guide to the legal milestones ahead CALENDA R OF KEY ISSUES (UK PERSPECTIVE) MAY 2014 LEGAL GUIDE ABOUT HERBERT SMITH FREEHILLS We are one of the world’s leading law firms. We advise many of the biggest and most ambitious organisations across all major regions of the globe. Our clients trust us with their most important transactions, disputes and projects because of our ability to cut through complexity and mitigate risk. We can help you thrive in the global economy.
2013 will herald some significant changes to the UK legal arena, notably in the corporate area in relation to executive remuneration and narrative reporting, in dispute resolution as the Government's reforms to the civil litigation costs and funding regime are due to be implemented and in the energy, real estate and construction areas where there are major changes to the carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme, further amendments to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations, the introduction of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill and various amendments to the Building Regula
The transition from 2009 to 2010 sees some significant legislative chapters closing, notably the Companies Act 2006, Rome I and II, the Banking Act 2009 and the Lisbon Treaty.
Following on the heels of the Gilets Jaunes protests and the strikes last December and January, Covid-19 is likely to be the final blow for companies that are already on shaky ground. The most heavily affected sectors will certainly be retail (which has been struggling for several years), tourism, air travel and events.
Law n°2015 990 for growth, activity and equality of economic opportunities, the Macron Law, was finally adopted on 6 August 2015. This law covers a wide range of matters from Sunday working, reform of regulated legal professions to driving licences.
Relaxing of the Regime for Free Shares
Basic principle
Insolvency Law
The German Federal government is preparing measures to suspend the requirement for companies to file for insolvency in cases where companies are suffering financial losses due to the current COVID-19 crisis. This suspension may apply through 30 September 2020. The German government aims to avoid insolvencies that may occur simply because the state's financial help may not arrive in time.
Important revisions to the insolvency legislation in the Qatar Financial Centre ("QFC") came into effect on 22 December 2013.
New Law on "Amendments to the Law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy) and Articles 17 and 223 of the Arbitrage Procedural Code with respect to establishment of special rules for bankruptcy of developers attracting money from participants in construction" was adopted on July 12, 2011 (the "Amendments"). Most of the Amendments were introduced as a special chapter No. 7 named "Bankruptcy of Developers" into the Federal law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy) No. 127-FZ as of 26 October 2002 (as amended) (the "Bankruptcy Law").