I. Executive Summary
The reform (which has come into force and effect on 5 April 2017 ("Reform")) is aiming at increasing legal certainty in cases of rescission inside and outside of insolvency proceedings regarding insolvency rescissions due to willful disadvantages (Vorsatzanfechtung) for creditors.
On 5 April 2017, an amendment to the German Insolvency Code (Insolvenzordnung – “InsO”) has come into force which provides for various changes to the avoidance rules and clawback laws in German insolvency proceedings.
The major change affects the right of an insolvency administrator to challenge transactions for willful disadvantage (§ 133 InsO).
New EU Regulation on Cross-Border Preservation of Accounts Potentially Useful Tool to Secure Assets in EU Member States
Um die Insolvenzmasse zu erhöhen, ermöglicht das Insolvenzanfechtungsrecht dem Insolvenzverwalter, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen auf Werte zuzugreifen, derer sich der Schuldner vor der Stellung des Antrags auf Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens zu Lasten einzelner oder aller Gläubiger entäußert hat. The insolvency challenge rights give the insolvency administrator, under certain prerequisites, access to assets which the debtor disposed of to the detriment of the creditors prior to the filing for insolvency, thus increasing the insolvency estate.
I. Executive Summary
Der Bundestag hat Ende Februar 2017 eine Reform des Anfechtungsrechts verabschiedet. Die Reform bringt substantielle Änderungen des Insolvenzanfechtungsrechts, von denen in erster Linie Lieferanten und Dienstleister profitieren dürften, die sich Ansprüchen eines Insolvenzverwalters in der Insolvenz ihres Kunden ausgesetzt sehen. Die neuen Regeln sind am 5. April 2017 in Kraft getreten und gelten für alle Insolvenzverfahren, die ab diesem Datum eröffnet werden.
1. Hintergrund der Anfechtungsreform
Everyday, most of us in the United States encounter evidence of relentless economic globalization. Gone are the days when American-brand automobiles dominated our roads. As a result of NAFTA, fresh Mexican produce fills the shelves of our local supermarkets. You are perhaps just as likely to fly overseas on Japan Air Lines, Aer Lingus or Lufthansa as on Northwest-Delta, American or United.
February 2017 N° 19 Fondo Atlante and the future for the financial institutions Tommaso dalla Massara Some news on insolvency procedures Fabio Marelli EU Commission first draft of ePrivacy Regulation Rocco Panetta Insurance Distribution Directive Guido Foglia ACROSS THE EUNIVERSE 2 In this Issue Editorial Giovanni Moschetta, Bernard O'Connor 3 What's App in Europe 4 Bernard O'Connor The next big thing for European data protection: EU Commission publishes first draft of ePrivacy Regulation to be discussed during GDPR transition period 6 Rocco Panetta, Francesco Armaroli Critical features of
To date, a debt waiver has been frequently used as a tool to successfully restructure German-based companies in financial difficulties.
The German Parliament passed an act to reduce the risk of clawback actions and provide more legal certainty in this regard under German law, the so called "Act for the Improvement of Legal Certainty concerning Clawback pursuant to the German Insolvency Code and the Creditor's Avoidance of Transfers Act" (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtssicherheit bei Anfechtungen nach der Insolvenzordnung und dem Anfechtungsgesetz) on Thursday, 16 February 2017.