1 仙台高裁令和2年10月13日決定のご紹介(破産手 続開始申立てが不当な目的によるものとして棄却され た事例)
(1) 当事者・本件抗告
相手方Y(債務者)は平成23年11月頃から勤務医師として働 いており、抗告人Xは令和元年9月26日にYと離婚した元妻で す。Yは、令和2年2月に支払を停止し、令和2年6月2日に本件 の破産手続開始の申立てを行いました。原審(福島地方裁判 所相馬支部)が、令和2年7月27日、Yについて破産手続を開 始する旨の決定(原決定)をしたのに対し、Xは、原決定を不服 として、原決定の取消し及びYの破産手続開始の申立ての棄 却を求めて即時抗告(本件抗告)しました。
Xは、離婚に伴う財産分与として、現住所のマンションの所有 権をYから譲り受けたところ、同マンションには住宅ローンの抵 当権が設定されており、財産分与後もYが債務者として同ロー ンの支払を継続することが離婚協議書により合意されていま した。もっとも、Yが破産すると、マンションに設定された抵当権 が実行され、XはYに対し、上記合意の債務不履行に基づく 損害賠償請求権(破産債権)を有することとなります。
While some fans of the Cleveland Indians have long complained about the frugality of owner Paul Dolan, at least Mr. Dolan has never had trouble making payroll. In perhaps the biggest event to occur off the field since Walter O'Malley moved the team from Brooklyn, the Los Angeles Dodgers filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on June 27, 2011.
Second and third time personal bankruptcies are uncommon, but fourth time bankruptcies are so rare they deserve recognition. The Supreme Court of British Columbia was recently presented with one such instance when Mr. Douglas Kusch applied for a discharge from his fourth bankruptcy.
Die aus Sicht der deutschen Volks- wirtschaft erhebliche Kapitalanlage- tätigkeit von Versicherungsunterneh- men (VU) unterliegt den aufsichts- rechtlichen Vorgaben des Versiche- rungsaufsichtsgesetzes (VAG). Im Hinblick auf die Vorgaben der euro- päischen Solvency II-Richtlinie haben sich mit Inkrafttreten des neuen VAG zum 1. Januar 2016 (VAG n.F.) Ände- rungen der Anforderungen an die Kapitalanlage von VU ergeben. Dies gibt Anlass, einen Blick auf die wichtigsten Neuerungen zu werfen.
A. Bisherige Rechtslage
In Re Ruiz (a bankrupt) [2011] EWHC 913 (Fam) the High Court ruled that a wife’s right to occupy the matrimonial home did not prevent her husband’s trustee in bankruptcy (TiB) gaining and enforcing a proprietary interest in the property.
The Facts
M and G married in 2001 and moved into a house purchased by M and registered in his sole name. In 2006 divorce proceedings were initiated, following which G obtained a freezing order over M’s assets and an occupation order over the marital home.
The absence of an intention to put assets out of the reach of creditors will thwart applications under the Insolvency Act to set declarations of trust or transfers aside.
A recent court decision has finally clarified the law relating to bankruptcy after the conclusion of ancillary relief proceedings, after a significant period of uncertainty. The Court of Appeal in the case of Haines v Hill has decided that a property transferred to a wife in ancillary relief proceedings should, in the absence of fraud or collusion, remain safe even in the swift event of her former husband’s bankruptcy.
(Bankr. S.D. Ind. July 8, 2016)
The court overrules the debtor’s ex-spouse’s objection to confirmation of the Chapter 13 plan. The creditor argued her claim could not be discharged because it was a domestic support obligation. However, the court analyzes the divorce decree and determines that the payments ordered were not tied to health or employment prospects or the creditor’s ability to support herself. Under the circumstances, the court concludes the claim is not for a domestic support obligation and may be discharged. Opinion below.
Judge: Moberly
Key points
Challenging the transfer of assets through ancillary proceedings as transactions at an undervalue remains challenging.
The facts
This case centred around a property in Coventry originally owned and developed by a Mr Singh. After failing to pay his builders a substantial amount, on which he was subsequently bankrupted, Mr Singh charged the property to his father and then his sister-in-law.
Even someone castaway on a tropical island (say Curacao) will have heard of the Young divorce case which has been played out in the international press. The financial hearing starts today and is expected to last for 4 weeks. In one corner is Scot Young who was worth £400m in 2006 but says that his finances took a sharp downturn and led to his bankruptcy in 2010. In the other corner is his estranged wife who has been trying for many years to uncover a true picture of her husband’s financial circumstances.