This round-up collates the information, analysis and guidance relating to insolvency issues shared by our Construction and Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy teams during the COVID-19 pandemic. For further information on any of the issues below, please get in touch with one of the Key Contacts.
Last week saw the government further extend COVID-19 emergency insolvency provisions until 31 March 2021. Since April, these have:
The UK government introduced the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill (CIGB) to Parliament on 20 May 2020. As well as including temporary measures to help support businesses affected by COVID-19, it proposes significant permanent changes to UK insolvency law. These proposed permanent changes include a new company moratorium: a mechanism to give a company in financial difficulty a temporary breathing space against creditor action, during which the directors remain in control, but overseen by a monitor.
In good news for liquidators, the Federal Court’s decision in Marsden (liquidator) v CVS Lane PV Pty Limited Re: Pentridge Village (in which Dentons acted for the liquidator) confirms that time will be extended for liquidators who are unable to bring voidable transaction proceedings within the relevant timeframe due to a lack of funding.
The case also has wider implications. It could be relied upon by liquidators to justify subsequent claims which could otherwise have been brought at an earlier stage if funding had been available.
On 17 May 2017, the UK Supreme Court handed down judgment in proceedings - commonly known as the Waterfall I litigation - to determine claims with regard to the estimated £8 billion surplus arising in the estate of Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (LBIE).
On December 10, 2016, Ontario’s Forfeited Corporate Property Act, 2015 (the FCPA), comes into force,1 along with related amendments to the Ontario Business Corporations Act (the OBCA).
A company’s former administrators sought an order under the Insolvency Act 1986 that their remuneration and expenses should be payable out of a sum owed to the company from National Westminster Bank Plc (Natwest). The company entered into interest rate swaps with Natwest. After the swaps terminated, the company granted a fixed charge and debenture over its assets to a third party. Administrators were appointed and recorded costs of over £164,000 before the company was dissolved.
In an interesting decision with important implications for both Chapter 15 practice and financial institutions’ global credit risk analyses, a US Chapter 15 court (the “Court”) granted recognition of a number of Brazilian proceedings involving entities within the OAS Group. See In re OAS S.A. et al., Case No. 15-10937 (SMB) (Bankr.
Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust and another v. Birmingham City Council [2014] EWHC 2207
A landlord is liable for business rates where a tenant's lease is disclaimed, even if the landlord does not take possession of the property following a disclaimer.
FRC has issued guidance to banks' directors on financial reporting of solvency and liquidity risks, and the definition of going concern, in the context of post-crisis reforms and central bank and government support. (Source: Guidance for Directors of Banks)