Die Frage der Kompetenzverteilung zwischen dem Vorstand und der Hauptversammlung der AG ist ein Dauerthema des Aktienrechts. Der Autor entwickelt ein eigenes Konzept zur dogmatischen Begründung ungeschriebener Hauptversammlungskompetenzen und untersucht, ob für den Börsenrückzug und die fakultative Insolvenzantragstellung eine Zustimmung der Hauptversammlung erforderlich ist. Der Autor lehnt die Frosta-Entscheidung des BGH ab und vertritt die Ansicht, dass der Börsenrückzug (reguläres Delisting wie auch das Downlisting) wertungsmäßig mit den in § 119 Abs. 1 Nr.
The outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19 represents one of the most significant global public health crises in recent memory and is causing major disruption and unprecedented volatility in markets, economies and businesses. With such great social and economic uncertainty, it is inevitable that existing financial arrangements will be affected and asset-based lenders (ABLs) are not immune to this. They are, however, uniquely positioned – given the flexibility of the products they offer – to react to the ever-changing economic landscape.
The on-going impact of the COVID-19 outbreak could have a significant impact on your global supply and customer chains. We can assist in responding to such risks in the various jurisdictions in which you operate, source materials and/or supply products and services.
Please click here for further information on the key warning signs and early action points.
This article appeared in Gulf Business on 22 June 2019
In a region where there has traditionally been an inherent stigma attached to business failure, the inevitable by-product is a decreased appetite for risk.
However, as the UAE’s economy has matured and become more global in its outlook, a more sophisticated and less risk-averse insolvency regime is required - one that can deal with volatile economic cycles and at the same time promote an entrepreneurial business environment.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners Summer National Meeting, held on August 24 - 28 in San Diego, produced a number of noteworthy developments related to international, financial, and other regulatory matters. Many of these matters are interconnected on both public policy and technical grounds and involve a mixture of domestic and international political issues.
Reposted from Law A La Mode
Opportunity Arises Out of Adversity
The recent global financial crisis has seen consumers tighten their belts and the retail industry as a whole has faced increasing pressure. Profits warnings have peppered the financial pages and fashion retailers, in both the budget and luxury sectors, have been subject to formal insolvency processes.
However, for those fortunate enough to be in the position of buyer, the current climate can give rise to considerable opportunities, including:
Reconsidering the Lasmos approach to winding-up petitions involving arbitration clauses.
Hong Kong’s notoriously landlord-friendly leases make it hard to renegotiate terms during an economic downturn, tying many tenants into leases well above market values. The territory’s high rents, added to 24 months of declining retail sales, have left retailers in Hong Kong feeling the chill. Many tenants may wish to look beyond their contractual rights and obligations to find a commercial solution. In such difficult circumstances, there are six options retailers could consider.
1. Rent restructure
A Csődtörvényt módosító új javaslattal kapcsolatban az elmúlt napokban egy népszerű hírportálon jelent meg nagyobb terjedelmű írás „Lex reptér: törvény, ami az egész magyar gazdaságot veszélyezteti” címmel. Blogbejegyzésemben amellett érvelek, hogy amennyiben a követelésbehajtási célú felszámolási eljárásokat jogi realitásként elfogadjuk, úgy a módosítás alapvetően jó irányba mutat.
2018-ban indult a magyar fizetésképtelenségi jog reformjával kapcsolatos munka az Igazságügyi Minisztérium irányításával. A 2019. októberében tartott 43. Jogász Vándorgyűlésen dr. Bogdán Tibor kormánybiztos, dr. Bodzási Balázs tanszékvezető (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem), dr. Zsombolyay Péter főosztályvezető (IM) és dr. Fabók Zoltán ügyvéd (DLA Piper Hungary) fejtették ki álláspontjukat a folyamatban lévő kodifikáció egyes kérdéseivel kapcsolatban.