A company experiencing financial difficulties is not necessarily a cause for alarm, as it is part of the natural cycle of a business generally. If, however, the directors are concerned about the financial position of their company, they should seek professional advice on the next steps to improve the company’s financial position and to protect themselves from any actions being taken against them personally for breach of their director’s duties.
I spoke on This Week on RTE Radio 1 about the same topic in the Summer of 2021. I took the view then that the pandemic-induced “zombie economy” would likely result in mass business failures when it finally ended. I did not know at the time that Government subsidies, including the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) would continue for another twelve months and have only just come to an end.
Under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Code), a trade creditor may initiate corporate insolvency resolution process if there is an unpaid operational debt above INR 10 million. An ‘operational debt’ under the Code means a claim in relation to goods and services. The insolvency courts have provided divergent views on the issue of whether rental dues or license fees for use of premises would qualify as an ‘operational debt’ under the Code.
Curtea Europeană de Justiție a Uniunii Europene a decis recent că Articolul 2 alineatul (2) și articolul 12 literele (a) și (c) din Directiva 2008/94/CE a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului din 22 octombrie 2008 privind protecția lucrătorilor salariați în cazul insolvenței angajatorului, astfel cum a fost modificată prin Directiva (UE) 2015/1794 a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului din 6 octombrie 2015, trebuie interpretate în sensul că se opun unei jurisprudențe naționale potrivit căreia o persoană care exercită în mod cumulativ, în temeiul
In a previous alert, we covered the Delaware Chancery Court’s decision in Stream TV Networks last year.
Conyers partner Jonathon Milne and associate Rowana-Kay Campbell in the Cayman Islands, and partner Anna Lin in Hong Kong, explain why the new Cayman restructuring regime is likely to be a welcome addition to the legislative landscape for prudent directors – particularly in light of current macro-economic conditions and the difficulties many companies are facing.
A much-anticipated corporate restructuring regime will be enacted in the Cayman Islands later this year through amendments to Part V of the Cayman Islands Companies Act.
Los juzgados de primera instancia conocerán, entre otras, de las acciones colectivas previstas en la legislación sobre condiciones generales de la contratación y en la legislación sobre defensa de consumidores y usuarios.
In a move to accord relief to Licensors with outstanding license fee payments, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (“NCLAT”) vide order dated 7th July 2022 (“Order”) held that a debt arising from unpaid license fees is qualified as an ‘operational debt’ under Section 5(21) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“Code”).
Directors resign for many reasons. For example, there may be disagreements among stakeholders about the future course of the company, they may be concerned about the risks associated with financial difficulty/insolvency, or they may just wish to retire.