Where an individual is both a corporate director and a shareholder, can they be held personally liable for stripping value from a corporation to defeat corporate creditors? “Yes”, according to the Court of Appeal for Ontario’s recent decision in FNF Enterprises Inc. v. Wag and Train Inc, 2023 ONCA 92. But what is the legal basis for imposing personal liability for the corporation’s obligations?
In 2015, Justice Wilson-Siegel approved a new form of vesting order, referred to as the "reverse vesting order" (or RVO) as part of the restructuring in Plasco Energy (Re). An RVO is a court order that transfers unwanted assets and liabilities out of a debtor company into a (oftentimes newly incorporated) affiliated company, referred to as "ResidualCo." The debtor company is left holding only the assets and liabilities the purchaser wants to acquire.
In a recent decision in the CCAA proceedings involving the Cannapiece Group, Mr. Justice Osborne of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice rejected an application for a reverse vesting order brought by the debtor companies and supported by the monitor.
Key Takeaways
The Supreme Court of Canada's ("SCC") recent decision in Peace River Hydro Partners v.
Canadian tech companies have entered uncharted waters, with a range of factors threatening to produce a liquidity crunch for many of them.
For years, the tech sector enjoyed record volumes of venture capital investment fueled by low interest rates, an inflow of foreign and corporate investment, and the collective desire to create a vibrant tech ecosystem in Canada. As the economic tides have changed, with climbing interest rates and a looming recession, tech companies are facing an increasingly tough fundraising environment.
2022 was an unprecedented year in insolvency practice. For as long as anyone can remember, there have always been several large corporate insolvency filings with national scope in each calendar year that hits the front page of the papers. But in 2022, there wasn’t even one.
Many cryptocurrency lenders have declared bankruptcy. These loss events are indicators of the significant losses the cryptocurrency market has experienced this year.
For investors who have suffered, an important consideration is how to capitalize on these losses. Accordingly, this article will analyze the recent Celsius Network (“Celsius”) bankruptcy and the tax strategy of writing off bad debt.
The Celsius Bankruptcy
En 2022, le marché canadien du capital d’investissement privé a connu plusieurs développements importants qui ont eu des répercussions sur l’activité transactionnelle dans tous les secteurs. À quelles grandes tendances peut-on s’attendre en 2023?
The Ontario Fraudulent Conveyances Act1 (the FCA), a concise statute of long-standing that traces its history to an English statute of 1571, is intended to prevent conveyances of property made with the intent to defeat, hinder, delay or defraud “creditors or others” of their just and lawful actions, suits, debts, accounts, damages, penalties or forfeitures.