Right to carry out profit-making activities without limitation
Under the regime provided for by the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 (the Law of 1921), INPAs are prohibited from carrying out industrial or commercial operations unless the latter remain ancillary to their non-profit activities.
Thomas Cook Belgium and Brussels Airlines may escape fines from the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) notwithstanding the conclusion of an agreement providing for anticompetitive practices according to the Investigation and Prosecution Service of the Authority.
In August 2017, the BCA had opened an investigation into potential anticompetitive practices resulting from the conclusion of a "Commercial Service Agreement" between Thomas Cook Belgium and Brussels Airlines.
Dernière mise à jour : 23 mars 2020 [voir aussi notre newsletter « Possible insurance questions and disputes related to Coronavirus »]
The authorities have taken several measures to support businesses and employment, under the pressure of the corona crisis. Measures in relation to tax and social security, temporary unemployment and state financial support were taken. An agreement with the financial sector to grant payment facilities was reached, as well.
Certain governments have taken (extensive) measures to help businesses and its employees. This leads to an entire new and unprecedented market situation and results in sometimes unprecedented legal issues which require swift but thorough assessment, both from a national and cross-border perspective. To provide companies and its directors with some general guidelines in these times of uncertainty, our international Restructuring and Insolvency team has prepared an overview of certain pressing legal issues.
Laatste update: 23 maart 2020 [Zie ook ons nieuwsbericht “Possible insurance questions and disputes related to Coronavirus”]
Onze recente blogartikels behandelden reeds verschillende onderwerpen omtrent de recente wetswijzigingen voor vennootschappen. Op 1 mei 2019 treden echter ook aangepaste regels in werking voor verenigingen. De VZW-wetgeving in de wet van 1921 op de verenigingen en stichtingen wordt immers mee opgenomen in het Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen (hierna: “WVV”). Naast deze codificatie werden ook enkele wijzigingen doorgevoerd.
Op 7 juni 2019 heeft de Hoge Raad uitspraak gedaan in een procedure over de niet-voortzettingseis in de liquidatieverliesregeling die Loyens & Loeff namens een cliënt heeft gevoerd tegen de Belastingdienst.