The FSA has released a further update on Keydata Investment Services Limited. The update reads as follows:

"On 18 November 2009 the Luxembourg financial services regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the CSSF) applied to the Luxembourg court for Eric Collard of KPMG ADVISORY s.a.r.l to be appointed as administrateur provisoire (provisional administrator) of Lifemark S.A. (Lifemark).


The judgment of the Commercial Court in WASA and AGF v Lexington shows that a “follow settlements” clause in a reinsurance contract will not obviate the need for the reinsured to demonstrate that an inwards settlement falls within the terms and conditions of its outwards reinsurance. Partner Michael Mendelowitz reviews the judgment.


On 9 November, the PPF published proposals for the 2011/12 pension protection levy year which aim to improve the way the insolvency risk for sponsoring employers is assessed. The proposals reflect industry feedback and a review of methodology and insolvency probabilities carried out by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B).

The key changes include:


The lengthening of the restoration period for dormant companies may make a solvent liquidation an attractive option for some companies. James Stonebridge examines the impact of changes introduced under the Companies Act 2006.


Again, of interest to all schemes providing defined benefits is the recent settlement in the litigation involving the Lehman Brothers Scheme, where the payment of £184 million, representing costs of the buying-out benefits, has been agreed.

Following a detailed investigation by TPR commencing in 2008, and a legal battle through the hierarchy of courts up to the Supreme Court (SC), members of the Lehman Brothers Pension Scheme will receive their full benefits after a settlement was reached on 18 August 2014.


The British Bankers’ Association has released the following statement on bank restructuring:


On the 1 October 2007 new Practice Directions to the Civil Procedure came into force which will affect applications to court under the Companies Acts 1985 and 2006. In particular the rules in relation to schemes of arrangement under section 425 Companies Act 1985 are being amended to incorporate provisions in the Companies Act 2006 coming into force on 1 October 2007.


Fixed and floating charges – why are they important?

They give a lender a higher position in the queue for the net proceeds of a borrower’s assets in the event of a borrower’s insolvency.


The insolvency of UK insurance companies is, fortunately, a fairly rare event. Even in the current difficult times - and despite speculation about the solvency of some insurers - we have yet to see a UK insurance company actually go into liquidation.


The 4th session of the committee of governmental experts on Intermediated Securities met in May 2007 to continue negotiation of the draft Convention. The Convention deals primarily with the rights of account holders in relation to intermediated securities - securities held through financial intermediaries.
