The FSA has published a statement that provides an update on The Freedom SIPP Limited - In Liquidation.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, liquidators of the Freedom SIPP Limited has appointed an agent to wind up the Freedom SIPP Scheme.
View Update on The Freedom SIPP Limited - In Liquidation, 29 January 2010
On 25 July 2008, HM Treasury published a Consultation Paper entitled Modernising the insolvency protections for the operation of financial markets - proposals to reform Part 7 of the 1989 Companies Act (the Consultation Paper).
Of general interest is the appeal in the case of Horton v Henry, on which we reported in our January 2015 update. In Horton, the High Court declined to follow a previous ruling, and decided that a bankrupt could not be compelled to access his pension savings to pay off creditors.
Declining to follow a 2012 decision, the High Court has ruled that a bankrupt’s unexercised rights to draw his pension did not represent income to which he was entitled within the meaning of the Insolvency Act 1986, and so did not form part of the bankruptcy estate.