Global Perspectives on Insolvency, Restructuring & Dispute Resolution
As primarily offshore lawyers, we speak on a daily basis with onshore counsel, banks, asset managers, trustees, corporates, insolvency practitioners and individuals around the world. Those conversations give our Global Insolvency & Dispute Resolution Practice Group a unique perspective on the different market trends and their regional impact in 2022.
In a recent judgment1, the Singapore High Court allowed the liquidator of insolvent Castlewood Group to enter into a litigation funding arrang
On 26 April 2022, Chief Justice Smellie QC in Re Premier Assurance Group SPC Ltd. (in Official Liquidation) sanctioned a decision by the joint official liquidators (“JOLs”) of Premier Assurance Group SPC Ltd (in Official Liquidation) (the “Company”) to return (or procure the return of) certain payments held by or on behalf of the Company referable to one of its segregated portfolios, Premier Assurance Segregated Portfolio (“PASP”), to the respective payors on the basis that such sums were paid by mistake.
シンガポールの倒産・清算手続については、本News Letterの2020年2月号(第20号)にてシンガポールの会社の 清算手続をご紹介しましたが1 、本号では、シンガポールにお ける外国倒産手続の承認援助手続について、ご紹介しま す。
ある会社につき日本で倒産手続が開始し、その会社が外 国に財産を有している場合、その外国財産は、日本に所在 する財産と同様に、日本の倒産手続により保全されるでしょう か。
日本の破産法、民事再生法及び会社更生法上は、破産管 財人、再生債務者及び更生管財人(以下、総称して「管財人 等」といいます。)の財産管理処分権は外国に所在する財産 にも及ぶとされており(普及主義)、外国財産についても債権 者による個別的権利行使は制限されることになります。
Decided on 18 January 2022| Supreme Court of India
Lock-up agreements typically involve the company's creditors committing in advance to vote at the relevant class meeting in favour of the contemplated scheme. Lock-up agreements serve an important commercial purpose of either securing support or giving an indicator as to likely support for the scheme before the parties incur the time and expense in finalising the negotiation process of the scheme.
The success of a scheme of arrangement in restructuring depends largely on the consent of the requisite statutory majority of the scheme creditors. To incentivise the creditors to commit to the proposal at an early stage, scheme companies may seek to enter into a lock-up agreement with the creditor, in which the creditor provides an undertaking to vote in favour of the scheme in exchange for certain benefits, such as consent fees.
In this case, Re Kobian Pte Ltd (OS 1269 / 2020 in the Singapore High Court), Kobian Pte Ltd applied to the Singapore High Court for a moratorium to propose a scheme of arrangement with its creditors. The legal issues at stake were the necessary conditions to be fulfilled by an Applicant in order to obtain a moratorium under section 64 of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (IRDA).
Singapore is getting serious about becoming the region’s international insolvency hub. In this inaugural podcast from the International Insolvency Institute, Hon. Kevin Carey (Ret.) of Hogan Lovells discusses Hon. Christopher S. Sontchi‘s forthcoming move from Delaware bankruptcy judge to International Judge of the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC).