Dutch football club ADO Den Haag has filed for WHOA proceedings after its major shareholder failed to pay €2 million due to the club, leaving it unable to meet its financial obligations.

The decision


Following the introduction of the Dutch Court Approval of a Private Composition (Prevention of Insolvency) Act (the WHOA), the first court approval for a private composition was granted on 19 February 2021.


Until recently, an appeal to enter debt restructuring in proceedings opposing a bankruptcy order was not allowed by the Dutch lower courts. In a ground-breaking ruling on 26 March 2021, the Dutch Supreme Court (ECLI:NL:HR:2021:460) put an end to this practice.

The case


In Nederland is het, vergeleken met omringende landen, vrij eenvoudig om beslag te leggen. De Wet herziening beslag- en executierecht (de ‘Wet’) beoogt het beslag- en executierecht voor schuldeisers eenvoudiger te maken door de mogelijkheden tot digitaal beslag leggen te verruimen. Ook wordt het beslag- en executierecht efficiënter met als gevolg dat schuldeisers minder kosten hoeven te maken om vorderingen te incasseren. Enig tegenwicht biedt de Wet, uitgebreider dan voorheen, door waarborging van het bestaansminimum van natuurlijke personen met schulden.


Since Article 3: 305a of the Dutch Civil Code entered into force on 1 July 1994, a legal person (usually a foundation) can institute legal proceedings that serve to protect interests outlined in its articles of association (for example, recovering damage caused to the members of the foundation concerned). The mass claims foundation was born.


On 1 January 2021, new Dutch restructuring law Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord (or WHOA) came into effect. Here, we run through what WHOA is and cover the first decisions handed down under the new law.

What is WHOA?


On 26 May 2020, the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament passed the Act of Court Confirmation of Extrajudicial Restructuring Plans (CERP). This long-awaited plan for a new restructuring law in the Netherlands features elements of both the US Chapter 11 procedure and UK schemes of arrangements. It is an important development in the evolution of Dutch insolvency practice.


Temporary Payment Deferral Act 2020

This proposal aims to prevent avoidable insolvencies and offer the court the option to:


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The COVID-19 crisis has pushed intellectual property holders and implementers into a distressed situation. In this webinar, we explore what happens if a party to an IP licence becomes insolvent, and discuss practical tips for the non-insolvent party to protect its position.