Il decreto legge n. 59 del 3 maggio 2016, pubblicato in pari data in Gazzetta Ufficiale Serie Generale n. 102, entra in vigore in data odierna, 4 maggio 2016, pur richiedendo formale conversione in legge entro 60 giorni, pena la perdita di efficacia.


Recent key reforms have been brought to Italian Law by Law Decree no. 59 of 3 May 2016, which is already in force although it will require formal conversion into Law within 60 days in order not to lose its validity.

Among the provisions of the Law Decree, of particular relevance are the introduction of a new type of floating charge, namely “non-possessory pledge”, and the possibility for the lender to appropriate the secured property in case of continuing default by the borrower.

  1. Novità nel processo esecutivo introdotte con il DL 59/2016

E’ entrato in vigore il 4 maggio 2016 il DL 59/2016 “Disposizioni urgenti in materia di procedure esecutive e concorsuali, nonché a favore degli investitori in banche in liquidazione”. Tale decreto ha introdotto una serie di modifiche volte a facilitare e velocizzare il recupero dei crediti.


The Court of Alessandria (18 January 2016) addressed a series of issues regarding various rules meant to allow preserving the business in the concordato preventivo procedure, sell the business through competitive bids, lease the business prior to the application to commence the procedure, "mixed" concordato schemes and objections which key continuing suppliers can raise for past debts

The case


 The Italian Government started the legislative process for a comprehensive restatement of the whole set of rules of insolvency procedures, with specific innovative addresses regarding (to mention only the most important) the concordato preventivo procedure, venue rules, an out-of-court mediation alert process to timely address a risk of insolvency, new forms of security and a streamlined se


Il Governo prevede una riformulazione complessiva ed organica della disciplina delle procedure di insolvenza esistenti, sulla linea dell‘evoluzione più recente, con precisi indirizzi innovativi – tra i più rilevanti – in tema di concordato preventivo di gruppo e liquidatorio, concentrazione della competenza dei tribunali, composizione assistita della crisi, riordino dei privilegi e nuove forme di garanzia



On 16 November 2015, Italy implemented the European Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (“BRRD”)1 through the publication in the Italian Official Gazette of the Legislative Decrees no. 180 and no. 181 (the “Decrees” and, respectively, the “Decree 180” and “Decree 181”).


Two recent judgements deal with the issue in two different cases: the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere(17 February 2016) allows a partial payment of VAT, contrary to precedents of the Supreme Court and ofthe Constitutional Court, while the Court of Appeals of Bologna (24 December 2015) confirms that theVAT refund claim’s satisfaction depends on the value of the related assets

The case


The Supreme Court (decision No. 20559 of 13 October 2015), decided that a single application for admission to theprocedure is not admissible if it involves a group, with a single proposal for all the creditors of the different companies,although the relevant assets and liabilities are kept formally separated.

The case


The Tribunal of Milan with a decree of 17 September 2015 ruled that the enforcement of a bank guarantee, pending therequest by the debtor to authorize the stay or termination of the same in a concordato preventivo procedure, bars thedecision by the Tribunal

The case
