A decision of the Court of Rimini dated 1st December 2016 states that the competitive bid process provided by Art. 163-bis of the Italian Bankruptcy Law is not mandatory when there is a strict connection between the lease of business and a proposed third-party loan to support the concordato proposal
The case
The case
The receiver of a bankrupt joint-stock company sued its directors before the Court of Rome, in order to ascertain their liability, pursuant to Article 146 of Bankruptcy Law.
More precisely, the bankruptcy was considered the result of a transaction particularly burdensome with respect to the company’s share capital and unjustified in relation to the economic value of the block of shares acquired.
Parte I: Liquidazione del fondo e responsabilità
Quando si parla di liquidazione di un fondo di investimento alternativo (“FIA”) immobiliare ci si riferisce, in generale, al procedimento che porta all’estinzione di quel peculiare centro di imputazione di posizioni giuridiche soggettive che è il FIA stesso.
Another step towards a lender-friendly environment, but the new form of pledge is being delayed
The Italian Parliament passed law No. 155 of 19 October 2017 to delegate the Government to reform the rules on insolvency and financial distress. This has been commented widely in the press and between commentantors, as it is expected to bring about significant developments (we have previously reported here).
Nel quinto appuntamento con lo studio di Francesco Calabria sulla liquidazione dei fondi immobiliari, Francesco illustra gli strumenti di prevenzione e mitigazione delle responsabilità post liquidazione.
Stabilite le modalità con le quali si intende dare attuazione al programma di liquidazione di un FIA, il secondo passaggio fondamentale da effettuarsi a cura della SGR riguarda l’individuazione di appropriati strumenti di prevenzione delle responsabilità patrimoniali che potranno emergere successivamente alla chiusura della procedura di liquidazione.
Continua l’appuntamento con lo studio di Francesco Calabria sulla liquidazione dei fondi immobiliari. Nel quarto approfondimento, Francesco illustra il rapporto tra liquidazione e tipi di fondi.
Nel sesto appuntamento sulla liquidazione dei fondi immobiliari, Francesco Calabria ci parla delle questioni che hanno generato contenziosi sull’argomento.
By the Law 155/2017, that became effective on November 14, 2017, the Italian Parliament required the Government to adopt, within the next 12 months, a comprehensive and organic reform of insolvency proceedings and rules governing a business crisis. The rules governing liens and security interests will also be reformed.
Although the reform will not be converted into binding law before the end of 2018, foreign lawyers and investors may be interested in knowing the guidelines in advance.
In a May 2 2017 decree the Ministry for Economic Development started the extraordinary administration procedure for Alitalia pursuant to Law 39/2004 and appointed Luigi Gubitosi, Stefano Paleari and Enrico Laghi as commissioners to lead the company throughout the procedure. The main purpose of the extraordinary administration is to implement a recovery plan meant to preserve existing employment levels through the following alternative strategies:
The Court of Siracusa (5 June 2017) ruled that a pending lease of business contract continues on a regular basis, according to the restructuring plan, in case no bids are made according to Art. 163-bis of the Italian Bankruptcy Law
The case The debtor entered into a business lease contract with a third party before he filed for concordato preventivo.